technical difficulties

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a/n: this is an au so it's not following the storyline of merddison quarantined completely.

"Nice hair babe," Addison called out to her girlfriend. Meredith looked up, blushing and smiling widely.

"Thank you Addison, I posted a reel about it!" Meredith squealed. Addison smiled at the blonde as she sauntered over to her and plopped down on the couch, practically sitting in her lap.

"Look at that, you're not as technically challenged as you once were," Addison says. "Or as I am." Meredith giggled and snuggled closer to the red head. She looked deeply into Addison's eyes and smiled, bringing her hands up to rake through the newly shortened red head locks.

"I really love your short hair, it suits you," Meredith says softly, continuing her soft movements through the red head's hair. "Can we take a picture?" She asks. Addison smiles and nods. She leans forward and placed a kiss on her girlfriends nose.

"Of course we can my love, anything for you," Addison says sweetly, making Meredith blush harder than she already was. Meredith grabbed her phone and opens up instagram once again. She slid to the camera option and picked a filter. Pulling Addison closer to her, she wrapped her arms around the red head and pressed their faces together. Smiles genuinely spread across the entirety of their faces as Meredith snapped the first photo. One wouldn't be enough for her though.

She wanted more pictures with Addison. They didn't take as many pictures together, but there were still some recent ones. Every so often Meredith switched out the filters, changed the pose she was doing, or even handed Addison the phone since her arms are just slightly longer than Meredith's. "Alright I think that's enough pictures for today baby, we will take more tomorrow," Addison says. Meredith nods and places her phone in her lap.

"Okay," Meredith says with a slightly small smile. "I just wish we could post them you know, I hate having to keep all of this secret." Addison grabs onto Meredith's hands and the blonde looks up.

"I know baby, and I wish we could too," Addison said softly. She began rubbing her thumb along Meredith's knuckles, something she often found herself doing over the years to calm the older woman. Meredith smirked and pulled her hands away from Addison's, which confused the red head slightly. She took a hold of her wrists and pulled her closer, smashing their lips together in a steamy kiss. Addison brought her hands up to cup Meredith's face and neck. A gasp escaped the blonde as Addison's hand slowly made their way to her hair, nails lightly scraping her scalp.

"Addison," Meredith warned the red head. "Don't you dare start something you can't finish." The red head chuckled.

"Oh I'll finish what I've started, and trust me so will you," Addison smirks playfully as she pushes Meredith down onto her back, the blondes phone slipping to the floor during the process. "Shit sorry," Addison said moving to grab it.

"No, Addison get back here!" Meredith says, grabbing onto Addison's wrist. "It can stay on the floor." Addison smirks and crawls back up her girlfriends body. A small giggle erupts from Meredith as Addison does so. "You're cute when you're on top of me," Meredith smirks. Addison bites her lower lip.

"And you're hot when you're screaming my name," Addison whispers in her ear, causing the older woman to moan and squirm beneath her. Meredith's phone buzzed from the floor but they ignored it.

"Then you should do something about that," Meredith says, her voice slightly shaky. Addison smiles and connects their lips once again.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Meredith's phone kept going off every few seconds, annoying both women. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Addison rolled her eyes. Who the fuck is that, She thinks. Her own phone begins to ding just as much.

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