Exchanging glances.

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Meredith began sucking on Addison's neck leaving hickeys all over her. "Mmh that feels nice," Addison whispered in Meredith's ear.

"It always does." Meredith said with a smirk. Addison let out a moan as Meredith bit her earlobe. "Addie?" Meredith said, biting her lip.

"Yes?" Addison asked. She started kissing Meredith's chest until she answered.

"I want you to fuck me, hard." Meredith said in a low voice. Addison smirked and started to take off Meredith's pants. "Wait, I want you to do it with this." Meredith said as she got up and grabbed something from her bag. When she turned Addison smiled.

"Oh I sure can." Addison said. She took off her cloths and grabbed the strap-on from Meredith and put it on. Meredith pulled her shorts off and got on top of Addison, sliding onto the strap-on. She started to bounce on the strap-on slowly and eventually got faster.  Her moans grew louder as the strap-in hit her g-spot with each thrust.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck!" Meredith squealed as she began thrusting her hips back and forth to get more friction. "Ohh fuck!" She moaned and bit her lip and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. From the top of the steps Derek and Jake exchanged glances.

"Am I hearing things or is your wife, you know?" Jake asked with as little words as possible. Derek nodded.

"Good thing Addison went out for coffee." Derek said. Jake nodded.

"Should we go down there?" Jake said. Derek shook his head.

"No, it's bad enough that we can hear her, she will get pissed if I come downstairs and stop her from what she's doing. Jake nodded and went back into his room and Derek did the  same.  Meredith shook as she orgasmed and felt herself come everywhere. She hopped off and got on her knees, placing the strap-on into her mouth and sucking off all of her juices. Addison grabbed onto Meredith's arm and pulled her back up and kissed her hungrily. The got themselves dressed and Meredith placed her toy back in her bag.

"We should go get coffee, they are expecting it." Meredith said. Addison nodded so they grabbed their masks and left.

"We need to speak with my friends later since they were betting on us." Addison states.

"Yes, I tell her it's a Meghan and she bets on you." Meredith couldn't help but chuckle.  They walked to the coffee shop and got the coffees, heading back to the house so they wouldn't be questioned as to why it was so long.

"Where did you go Mer?" Derek asked when they both walked in the door.

"I went with Addison, I got bored and figured a walk would be good." Meredith said as she plucked that mask off her face.

"But weren't you down here, I thought I heard you?" Derek asked. Meredith didn't react at all.

"I was but after Addison came inside I thought I'd tag along with her." Derek nodded. "So coffee?"

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