Mile high.

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Meredith was standing at the island with her back turned towards the stairs when a pair of arms snaked around her waist. Meredith turned her head and was met by Addison kissing her softly. "You snuck away from me this morning love." Addison whispered.

"I was hungry, you burn a lot of my energy." Meredith said with a smirk on her face.

"Maybe I could burn some more of it," Addison purred as she pushed Meredith up onto the counter.

"This feels a little familiar," Meredith smirked. Addison smiled.

"It does, doesn't it?" Addison asked. Meredith nodded. Addison slowly inched herself closer and connected their lips.

"Get a room lovebirds!" Amelia said from the doorway. They jumped apart and turned towards her.

"God Amy!" Meredith said. Amelia laughed.

"It's gonna be so fun chick blocking you two from each other." Amelia said.

"It's cock blocking Amelia." Addison pointed out.

"Not to me, at least with you two." Amelia said. "Plus don't you guys have a plane to get on?" She asked.

"Not for another few hours." Addison said. Meredith hopped off the counter and wrapped her arms around Addison. Addison looked down at her for a moment before looking back at Amelia.

"You're better for her," Amelia mouthed. Addison smiled and kissed Meredith on her head.  "You two need to pack because I know that you weren't packing last nigh." Amelia smirked.

"Are you mad we didn't ask you to join?" Meredith joked. Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Not this time, but next time I might be offended." Meredith laughed and tugged Addison's arm.

"We should go pack." Meredith stated. Addison nodded and they went upstairs.


Addison had closed her eyes about an hour ago to make the ride go by quicker. Meredith was shaking her leg do to her nerves. She looked over at Addison and tapped her shoulder. "Addie?" Meredith asked. Addison opened her eyes and looked at the blonde.

"What Meredith?" Addison asked.

"Meet me in the bathroom in five." She said before getting up and heading to the bathroom. A few moments later Addison pushed her way inside. "Eat me." Meredith said. Addison smiled and pushed her up onto the sink. She lifted the skirt of Meredith's dress off and pulled her panties down.

"You're dripping Mer." Meredith smiled.

"Waiting for you Addie." Addison lowered herself and connected her mouth to Meredith's clit and began sucking. Meredith began to moan and Addison plunged her fingers into Meredith's entrance. Meredith began panting as Addison pumped her fingers roughly in and out of her. Addison began swirling her tongue around Meredith's clit, and grazing her teeth along it. Meredith's legs shook and she rode out her orgasm. They cleaned themselves up and walked back to their seats.

"Passengers, pleas fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing in 10 minutes." The flight attendant said through the speaker.

"That was fun." Meredith said.

-I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for a later update.

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