Caught 𝗉𝗍 1

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"Am I boring you Dr. Schmidt?" Meredith asked as the young intern yawned. He shook his head.

"S-sorry Doctor Grey, i didn't get enough sleep last night." He said and looked at the fellow walking past them. Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Not getting enough sleep will cost you if you're not careful people, we are in the middle of the pandemic and our job is to help people, not mess up and kill them." She said firmly. The interns nodded and straightened themselves out. She dismissed them to meet up with their residents and attending's and walked off herself.

"Hey what's up?" Addison asked as she entered the attending's lounge. Meredith sighed.

"My interns are going to kill people," Meredith said as she placed her head in her hands. "One of them didn't get enough sleep and we all no what sleep deprivation does to people." Addison took the seat next her. She placed her hand on her thigh and tapped it.

"Come here." Addison said. Meredith crawled on top of Addison and connected their foreheads. Addison pulled down both of their masks and kissed Meredith softly. The kiss was slow at first but than Addison sped up. Meredith let out small moans from time to time and ran her hands through Addison's fiery red locks of hair. Addison slid Meredith's lab coat off causing it to fall to the floor.

"Well isn't this adorable." A newly familiar voice said. Meredith and Addison jumped apart and were met by Tom. "You can continue." He joked.

"I think I'm good Tom." Addison said, rolling her eyes. He chuckled and sat across from them.

"Aren't you both married?" He asked. They both rolled their eyes and got up. They walked to an on-call room where they could finish where they left off.

- I know this is short and I'm really sorry, I just wanted update a little something for you.  I'm gonna post a part two soon but I don't have the time right now.

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