Go to her

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[the previous morning]

Meredith hadn't spoken to Addison in almost three days. They hadn't even slept in the same room for the time they spent angry. Meredith took the couch and gave Addison the bed. "You're still mad at me?" Addison asked. Meredith didn't speak. "Oh come on don't be like that Mer." Addison said crossing her arms as she stood in the doorway.

"Don't be like what Addison!" Meredith shouted. Addison placed her hand on her head for a moment before looking up at Meredith again.

"I want you to stay here, can't you tell Derek no?" Addison asked.

"How can I tell him no, he's my husband and if I start making excuses he will get suspicious." Meredith said. Addison rolled her eyes and sighed.

"We are in a pandemic and you have kids, tell him that." Addison suggest.

"He is aware of that and we worked out a system." Meredith replied.

"So get a divorce Meredith, leave him." Addison said with a serious face.

"Are you serious right now?" Meredith asked. Addison nodded.

"Dead as a door nail, Meredith." Addison deadpanned.

"It's not that simple Addie, I can't just up and divorce him." Meredith said softly. She bit her lip and thought for a moment. "Why don't you come with us to LA?" Meredith suggested.

"Now why would I-" Addison started but was soon cut off by the blonde.

"Your husband is there, your child you could go back and visit friends." Meredith said.

"If I go back they will want me to stay, I don't want to stay." Addison said and looked down at her feet.

"Maybe you should stay." Meredith said. Addison looked back up at her.

"What the hell does that mean?" Addison asked. Meredith refused to look up at her. "Meredith look at me."

"You have a husband, I have a husband, maybe it's best for us to..." Meredith spoke but soon trailed off.

"Best for us to what Mer?" Addison asked.

"Best for us to go back to them." Meredith suggested. Addison rolled her eyes.

"I'll be on the first flight to LA." Addison said as she walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Meredith jumped at the sound and soon felt tears stream down her face.

[the next day]

Meredith hadn't gotten out of bed since yesterday. She 'slept' through breakfast and lunch, and was now trying to 'sleep' through dinner. There was a knock at her door that she chose to ignore. "Meredith?" Maggie called. "Please open the door, you've been in here all day."

"Go away!" Meredith said hoarsely. She sniffled and wiped her nose.

"Addison's leaving, did you know?" Maggie asked. Maggie turned the handle and walked in. She sat next to Meredith and Mer sat up. Amelia soon came in and got next to Maggie.

"What's wrong Mer, Addie has been out all day and you've been up here." Amelia said.

"I love her and I'm scared," Meredith said. Maggie's eyes  widened but Amelia's didn't. She looked at Mer and felt bad.

"You're scared to love her?" Amelia asked.

"I'm just scared that if I fall- If I let myself fall for her, everything will go wrong." Meredith sobbed.

"So you told her to leave?" Maggie asked. Meredith shook her head.

"We got into a fight, but I didn't tell her to leave." Meredith said. "I just didn't try to stop her." Meredith added.

"You need to stop her!" Maggie suggested. "Drive to the airport and stop her!" Meredith nodded and got up.

"Okay, I will." Meredith said. She grabbed her keys. She rushed outside and hopped into the truck and drove to the airport.

She ran to the gate for flight F-23 to La. she was pushing—respectfully— through the crowd trying to get to Addison before the plane took off. When she finally got the the desk she found an older woman with glasses perched on her nose. "Ma'am are you alright?" The woman asked.

"Can you tell me if flight F-23 to La boarded yet?" Meredith asked. The woman nodded and checked her computer.  The woman looked up and towards the widow.

"It just left," the woman said pointing at the window. Meredith turned to the window and watched as the plane flew off.  Tears soon fell down her face and she turned back to the woman.

"T-thank you," she said and turned. She began walking back to the exit.

"I'm really sorry," the woman said.

-well that was a lot.

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