Westurna style.

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Meredith tossed and turned all night. Addison was mad at her and wouldn't speak to her and she didn't know why. She tried to stay upstairs and sleep most of the day but Derek didn't allow it. She couldn't always face her problems so she slept until they were gone. "Hey, are you ready to get up Mer?" Derek cooed.

"I'm just not feeling well." Meredith said. There was some truth to it.

"Why don't you come and eat, it might make you feel better." She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. They walked down stairs and she sat down across from Jake and next to Addison. She didn't even look in her direction.

"It looks amazing." Derek said. Jake smiled.

"Thank you, but it was Addison's idea," Jake said. Derek nodded. After a few bites Meredith was visibly pale.

"Meredith are you okay." Derek asked. Addison looked up and than back at her food.

"M-yeah mm hmm," she said. She stood up and pushed the chair in. "Excuse me." She said. She turned and walked up the stairs.

"Is she alright?" Jake asked.

"She's fine." Addison said. They heard Meredith gagging and Derek stood up.

"No, she's not." Derek said. Addison stood up next.

"I'll go check on her, you stay here." Addison said. She walked upstairs and towards the bathroom. "You're really dramatic." Addison said. Meredith had her face over the toilet bowl. "You have to use being 'sick' as an exc-" before she finished Meredith hurled again and her body started shaking. Addison walked in and closed the door. She knelt down and placed a hand on her back and could feel her shaking. Once Meredith was done she nearly collapsed onto the floor. Addison sat down and pulled Meredith onto her lap.

"Y-you don't h-have t-to." Meredith said shakily. Addison placed her hand on Meredith's other head and started running her hands through her hair.

"Shh shh shhh shh shh." Addison said. "Just close your eyes for a moment." Meredith nodded and did so.

Three days later.

Meredith had been in bed for three days because she had the flu. Thankfully it only lasted those three days and everything went back to normal. Sort of. Addison wasn't speaking to her even though she helped her when she was sick. Meredith was the first one up today and decided she wanted to go for a walk. She put on a pair of jean shorts and a teal/blue shirt. She walked out the front door and down the driveway. "Where are you sneaking off to?" Addison asked making Meredith jump and turn around.

"Damnit Addison!" She shouted. Addison smirked. "It's none of your bui-" Meredith started but soon felt Addison place her hand over her mouth. Addison grabbed her wrist and bright her back into the house.

"I've decided I'm ready to tal-no yell!" Addison said as her hand made contact with Meredith's cheek.

"Addison what the hell is your problem!" Meredith shrieks in pain and pulls her hand to the spot Addison just slapped.

"What was I to you?" Addison asked bitterly. Meredith looked at her with a shocked look.

"Addison you're the woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with." Meredith said. Addison rolled her eyes.

"Then who is Meghan?" Addison asked.

"Megha-who's-ohhh," Meredith said letting the realisation hit her halfway through the sentence. "There's no Meghan, I just told Charlotte that because I didn't know if you wanted us to be out yet."

"Really because you had a whole- Wait really?" Addison asked. Meredith nodded. She stepped closer to Addison and pressed their  foreheads together.

"Addison you are the only person I would ever consider marrying." Meredith said. "The only one." The blood rushed to Addison's cheeks and she smiled. Meredith leaned closer and grazed her tongue along Addison's top lip and pulled away. Addison's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Since when are you Lucy Westurna from Dracula?" Addison asked.

"I didn't think you would know that." Meredith said as she looked at Addison's lips.

"Just shut up and kiss me!" Addison said. Meredith smirked and jumped into Addison's arms, connecting their lips.  Addison brought her over the the couch and sat down. Meredith begged for entrance with her tongue and was granted access. Addison ran her hands through Meredith's hair.

"Hey Addison I think I-" a familiar southern voice called but stopped when she saw them. Meredith and Addison pulled apart and stared at Charlotte in shock. "Haha! Naomi and Violet owe me 50 bucks!" She said. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the house.

"You're making bets on us?" Addison called out. Charlotte didn't care to respond. All she wanted was to prove that she was right.

-okay so I may have lied when I said this would be super smutty. I've been writing this for almost two days and I cannot do the smut today.  Also besides you Sam, who got the Dracula reference before I said it was from Dracula?

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