Talk? No.

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When Meredith woke up she was alone in her own bed. Addison was flying down later today and Derek was god knows where. She crawled out of bed and down to the kitchen. "You came home alone, where'd Addie or Derek?" Amelia asked.

"Addison will be down later today and I don't know where Derek is." Meredith said. She sat up on the counter and took a drink of water.

"How could you not know, you flew back to Seattle together he was staying here for a month?" Amelia pushed.

"Derek and I decided to get a divorce and he decided not to come back for the month." Meredith says. Amelias eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked.

"No, she's not." Addison said from over in the doorway.

"What are you doing here Addie, you weren't supposed to be here until later." Meredith asks. Addison walked over and hugged Meredith as she hopped off the counter.

"Mer, it is later." Addison says pointing to the clock. Meredith looked and sighed.

"Why isn't she okay?" Amelia asked.

"She is right here, and she is fine now." Meredith said as she placed a chaste kiss on Addison's lips. She grabbed into Addison and dragged her upstairs.

"Should I be playing music to tune you guys out?" Amelia asked. Meredith rolled her eyes and kept on going. Addison pushed her into the room and picked Meredith up, connecting their lips once again.

"I've missed you baby." Addison cooed once she pulled away.

"I missed you too."  Mer said. Addison began removing Meredith's shirt and threw it to the floor. "I see your not waistline time."

"Why would I?" Addison asked. Mer shrugged and felt her bra unclassified and fall to the floor.

"I figured we would talk," mer suggested.

"There is nothing to talk about, I want you and I want sex Mer." Addison begged. She pushed Meredith over to the bed and took off her shorts.

"Addi-oh god!" Meredith moaned as she felt Addison slip her tongue onto her clit. She began licking roughly, making Meredith squirm.  "Mmhm." Meredith moans. Addison plunged two fingers into Meredith and began pumping them into her. Meredith moaned loudly and bucked her hips for more friction causing Addison to begin pumping harder when her hips bucked.

"Ohhh Addison fuck me harder!" Meredith moaned. Addison continued and felt Meredith shake with her orgasm follow. Addison cleaned up all of her juices and pressed her thumb to Meredith clit, rubbing it in circular motions.  "Addie?" Meredith moaned but also questioned. Addison continued rubbing Meredith's clit, faster, and harder making her move along with Addison's touch. Meredith's second release soon came and Addison cleaned her up again.

"I told you I wanted sex." Addison said before connecting their lips once again. Meredith ignored and just fell into the kiss.

-sorry for such a short chapter and also sorry for taking so long to update. I will try to update a little quicker.

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