Punish me mistress.

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"Meredith why am I blindfolded?" Addison asked. Meredith has lead her to the extra room downstairs while blindfolded and sat her down. "I'm not really liking whatever is going on baby." She stated.

"Really?" Mer asked. "Cause I thought you would like it," she shrugged. Meredith walked off and stood where Addison couldn't see her. "You can take it off and change."

"Change?" Addison asked quietly. She reached for the blindfold and untied it. She heard a door closed and saw she was in a bathroom. There was an outfit for Addison to put on with a note besides it. She picked it up and read it.

'Punish me mistress.'

Addison smirked at the note and placed it back down. She changed into what Meredith left her and walked into the room. She saw Meredith and smiled. Meredith giggled. "This is going to be fun." Addison slowly walked closer to Meredith, looking her up and down. She looked at the setting of the room and saw a bunk bed, a couch and an empty fireplace.

"I think it's time you were put in your place kitten," Addison said. She placed her finger on Meredith's jaw line and traced along her neck and chest. Meredith took a sharp breath and bit her lip. Addison grabbed Meredith's wrists and tied them tightly with a red piece of silk. "Lie down." Meredith listed and laid down on the bed. Addison raised her arms above her head and tied the other end of the silk to the bed. She than did the same to Meredith's feet. 

"Why am I being tied up mistress?" Meredith asked seductively. Addison placed her finger over Meredith mouth.

"There's no talking, or there will be punishment." Addison started. "Your punishment will be spanking, do you understand?" she added. Meredith nodded. Addison turned and rummaged through the bag on the table and pulled out a vibrator and a dildo.  Meredith bit her lip and moaned as Addison lined the dildo up with her entrance. She thrusted it in causing Meredith to moan louder. She turned on the vibrator and placed it on Meredith's clit.

Meredith began breathing harder and harder, moaning louder and louder. Addison began thrusting  the dildo in after and faster while moving the vibrator up and down. "Do you like that you little slut?" Addison asked. Meredith nodded and rugged at her hands, slightly forgetting they were bound. Meredith's eyes began to flutter and Addison turned the vibrator off and placed the dildo on the bed. "Not yet kitten, hold it for your mistress." Addison purred. Addison slapped Meredith's pussy causing her legs to jerk, making her moan.

"Ohh!" Meredith moaned. Addison did it again and Meredith moaned louder.

"Do you like that you little whore?" Addison asked. Meredith nodded.

"Mhm." Addison smirked and did it again. She took her thumb and pressed it into Meredith's clit. Meredith tugged her arms and legs as Addison pressed harder.

"Don't cum yet you little slut!" Addison warned. Meredith bit her lip so hard she nearly drew blood.  Addison soon began rubbing Meredith's clit furiously and faster than she had ever done before. Meredith's body began to shake and she moaned loudly. Addison locked up all of her juiced ones she rode out her orgasm and untied her. "I'll be right back. Addison made her way upstairs and changed back into normal cloths. She came back down with something for Meredith to wear and a bowl of strawberry ice cream. "Here baby." Addison said softly and handed her the ice cream.

"What's this for?" Meredith asked, looking at the bowl.

"I felt bad calling you all those names." Addison said as she sat next to Meredith and cuddled into her. Meredith smiled and took a bite of the ice cream.

"I love you Addie," Meredith said. This time it was loud enough for Addison to hear.

"I-I love you too baby." Meredith placed her head in Addison's and cuddled her until it was nearly time for dinner.

-what did you guys think. I've never experienced writing about this topic before so I'm sorry if it doesn't meet some of your expectations. I'm going to get the fifty shades of gray books to help out with the writing and ideas on what to do in case y'all want another chapter on bdsm. Let me know your thoughts please.

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