Sex as a married couple.

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Okay so let's get this started. I was given an idea on how to close off this story and I think I might just do that with this chapter. I may or may not chose to publish something more to this on a special occasion. I am defiantly going to publish on Valentine's Day so this isn't the last chapter but it will be until then so please enjoy.
A year and a half later.

Addison and Meredith had since come out to their friend and family about their relationship. Addison divorced Jake and moved back to Seattle personally. Derek moved back to New York and hadn't been heard from since. They were all living their best lives. "Are you ready for this?" Addison asks with a wide smile spread across her face.

"We've had sex dozens of times, of course I'm ready." Meredith replied. Addison chuckled.

"No, I know but it's our first time as a married couple." Addison says softly. Meredith blushed and smiled.

"Your such a dork." Meredith cooed.

"I'm your dork though," Addison said as she poked her wife in the Meredith leaned forward and pressed her lips to Addison's eliciting a small moan from the red head. Meredith placed her hands through Addison's hair. She trailed her fingers the right the fiery locks and down her body. Meredith lifted Addison up and felt her legs wrap around her own waist. She walked them over to their bed and placed her down, crawling on top of Addison. Addison pulled apart for a moment and smirked.

"Oh so you wanna be on top?" Addison questions in a joke tone. "Do you not remember the conversation where I made it clear I was daddy?" Addison asked. Meredith thought back to the beginning of their relationship and let out a small laugh.

"Daddy's home." Derek says to his children before looking at his wife with a smirk. When he looked away Addison rolled her eyes and whispers in Meredith's ear.

"I'm daddy." She purred. Meredith bit her lip. "Even you can't deny it." Meredith stopped biting her lip and tried to ignore Addison.

"Get over you-" Meredith starts but is stopped once Addison flips them over. "Really?" Mer questions.

"Sorry baby, but with me you will always be a bottom." Addison purred before connecting her mouth to Meredith's pulse point, sucking hickey after hickey.

"Oh Addie..." Meredith moaned, slightly arching her back. Addison unzipped Meredith's dress and took it off of her. She trailed her hands down Meredith's stomach and into her panties. Addison took part of her bottom lip between her lip and softly moaned.

"I love that I do this to you." Addison smirked. She pulled off Meredith's panties and threw them with her dress. In a swift movement she rushed towards Meredith's throbbing centre and connected we mouth to Mer's clit.

"Fuck!" Meredith squeaked as Addison began lapping her tongue around Meredith's clit. She thrusted two of her fingers into Meredith's entrance forcefully. Meredith bucked her hips dying for more friction and let out aloud moan. "Oh god don't fucking stop!" She moaned causing Addison to go faster and pump harder. Spots filled Meredith's vision and her legs began to shake. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Addison cleaned up Meredith's juices and looked up at her with disappointment.

"That was the quickest you've ever came," Addison said. Meredith looked up, still breathing heavily from her orgasm.

"You should be proud that you're good enough to do that." Meredith fired back. Addison smiled. Meredith sat up and pushed Addison down. "Lie down sweetheart it's your turn." Meredith hadn't given a damn about removing Addison's dress so she simply lifted up her skirt. She removed her white lace thong and grazed her fingers along Addison's clit. Addison moved so that Meredith would make contact but felt nothing there.

"Oh no, we are gonna do this my way." Meredith said firmly. She got up off the bed and grabbed a silk tie and began tying Addison's hand together. She pinned them up above her head and walked back to her position.

"So we are playing dirty?" Addison asks. Meredith smirks.

"Just returning the favour kitten." Meredith says devilishly.

"Lie down." Meredith listed and laid down on the bed. Addison raised her arms above her head and tied the other end of the silk to the bed. She than did the same to Meredith's feet. 

"Why am I being tied up mistress?" Meredith asked seductively. Addison placed her finger over Meredith mouth.

"Then what are you waiting for, mistress?" Addison asked. Meredith pulled out a vibrator as switched it on. The whirring sound caused Addison's anticipation to grow.

"You know the rules so don't break them, because I would hate to have to punish you." Meredith said. "Or would I?" She pressed the toy to Addison's already throbbing clit and began moving it up and down. Addison but down on her lip to suppress her moans and fought back the urge to thrust her hips for more action. Meredith thrusts her fingers into Addison as she continued with the toy. She pressed the toy roughly agains Addison's clit sending shockwaves through the red head that are too powerful.

"Oh fuck!" Addison cried loudly. The toy soon stopped and Meredith removed her fingers from her wife.

"I warned you not to break any rules." Meredith said in a low, sultry voice. She unpinned Addison's hands and removed her dress. She draped the woman over her legs and brought her fingers to her reddened pussy lips. She raised her hand up and quickly made contact with Addison's bare ass. *crack* the sound of Meredith's hand making contact with Addison ass could be heard across the room. Addison jumped and let out a moan.

"Do you like that princess?" Meredith asked.

"Mmh hmm." Addison softly moaned. Meredith smacked her ass again, only this time it was harder.

"Speak up princess, do you like it when I punish you?" Meredith asked seductively.

"Yes,mistress." Addison said. Meredith smirked and smack Addison once again. She continued with other methods of punishments before finally giving Addison the pleasure of an earth shattering orgasm. "Oh fuck that was amazing." Addison cried.

"Yeah?" Meredith questions. Addison nods.

"Yeah, it sure was." Addison said still out of breath. "I love you Mer."

"I love you too baby." Meredith rolled over and kissed her wife. "Do you think you're good for a round two?" Addison let out a laugh.

"Do you even have to ask?" Meredith smirked and moved back down to in between her wife's legs and without warning began sucking on her clit. "Fuck Meredith!"

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