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Strawberry and Cigarettes - Troy Sivan

Strawberry and Cigarettes - Troy Sivan

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Donghyuck could still hear it. No matter how much he tries to run away, he will always find her in his arms, covered in blood. Pale and lifeless.

"No...No...NO!" He screamed, leaving her unmoving body and running away. His white uniform was dripping with blood as he run the same dark hall, no sun or any signs of light.

Not until he find himself stumbling forward, back to the same place he started. The girl had her head on his lap once again as he frantically try to cover the wound on her chest from oozing blood.

"P-Please...I'll do what you want hmm? I'll forgive Mark. I'll forgive him. J-Just...Just stay. Stay with me..." He cried, hands covered in blood "No! You don't even have to stay with me! J-Just don't disappear..."

She didn't respond and he felt his heart clench even more, crying to the point where he's almost throwing up. He called her name over and over, screaming as he pulled her into his embrace, burying his face at the crook of her neck.

"I won't complain anymore. I won't fight with Mark. I will accept your decisions. I will leave if you want me to. But don't disappear..." He begged with urgency "Don't go. Stay..."

He hug her even tighter, whispering in her ears. He don't think he could ever go on without her. She was his life. His everything. And imagining tomorrow without her; imagining the next hours or minutes without her....he might as well just die.

And he did. He might be walking and breathing but beyond what people see, a part of him died the day she did. Learning to live without her; always trying to fill the void beside him; always trying to fill the emptiness inside him...

She won't ever come back but he could still hear her voice calling out to him...

"Damn it! Get yourself together!" *breathes* "Ok...OK...it's just eyes sweat. It could happen."

Haechan's forehead creased. Mind slowly falling into a dark hole. He could hear someone. A voice.

"Why is my eyes sweating so much!" *laughing forcefully* "No..." *sniff* "I'm not crying. I'm really not."

Haechan groan and even though he had his eyes closed, he could still feel the sunlight shinning through his eyelids. The wind in the rooftop was a bit chilly.

"Stop. Don't let the t-tears cover all the happy memories....yeah...eyes sweat..."

What the fck is eyes sweat. He slowly opened his eyes and they landed at a silhouette of a girl. He couldn't quite make her out as she was standing where the sun was shining directly, hurting his eyes. He lifted a hand to block the sun, stretching his legs in comfort.

His break must have turned into a nap. He had that same dream again. Nightmares.

He slowly stood up, squinting at his hands. There's no blood. Nothing.

But still, his stomach turn and he felt nauseous. He closed his eyes, touching his pockets for cigarettes. He found a box and pulled one out, placing it between his lips. He felt his pockets for a lighter, sighing in irritation when he found nothing.

"Damn it really...I can't hold it anymore!"

His eyes darted towards the girl again who collapsed on her knees, mumbling things he couldn't quite understand. Not that he care. He doesn't like associating with anyone but she seems to have something he needs...

He slowly approached her, hair falling over his eyes.

She was strangely lighting a white candle by her feet ".....or not, I don't care. You're not here anyways! I'm going to cry as much as I want! What are you going to do about it?!" She sat on the floor with a thump, shoulders raising up and down quite fast as she sob silently.

Haechan raised his eyebrows, yawning. What the fck? Is she crazy?

Without warning, he reach his hands over her shoulder, ignoring the fact that she was crying "Light my cigarette."

Her head snapped towards him, eyes red and puffy. She stared at him as if lost and disoriented.

Haechan stared back, impatiently running his tongue over the ring at the corner of his bottom lip "Tsk!" He click his tongue, hunching over her to light his cigarette from the candle's fire.

"Excuse me?" The girl snapped out of it, pushing his hand before he could even light his cigarette "Y-You can't smoke! This is school property!"

"Who the fck are you?" His eyes examine her, full of judgement, before his face crunched in disgust and annoyance.

"I-...I'm from the student council! I will report you!"

He ignored her, reaching over and quickly lighting his cigarette. He turned to leave but the girl ran after him, blocking the rooftop's exit "It's against rules to smoke! I can report you..." she squint hard, looking at his clothes and only realizing how incomplete his uniform was.

Aside from the grey pants, he didn't have his blazer on. He wore a random orange t-shirt rather than the school's white button up shirt and neck tie. His hair was a bit long and messy with blonde highlights at the back.

"Look at you! Where's your uniform? Your ID! You can't dye your hair! It's agains the-...!!!!!"

He leaned down to her height, huffing out a cloud of smoke right at her face before walking away, leaving as fast as he came, one hand in his pocket.

"I break rules just by existing."

I know this first chapter might be boring

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I know this first chapter might be boring....but please do stick around hehe....

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