Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Jander dance au


Zander quickly swiped a bead of sweat off his forehead, careful to not mess up his steps. The music was drowned out by his concentration, only the faint melody left to guide him. Jake wasn't any less different, in a trance as his movements remained rhythmic. The stage lights which would normally strain Jake's eyes were merely a speck of color in the vast painting of his mind, all that he was focused on was winning. As the music faded to a stop so did their steps, followed by an applause. Both males bowed, quick to make their way of stage. Eventually they reached an empty hall behind the stage. Jake let out a sigh of relief, pulling Zander closer to him.

Zander flushed, "Huh-" Zander didn't protest like he normally did, instead he embraced Jake back, appreciating the warm scent he carried.

Zander pulled away first, red tinting his cheeks. Jake smiled and ruffled Zander's hair.

"Hey." His voice was hushed as his gaze wavered towards Jake, "How about we go to coffee again?"

Jake wrapped an arm around Zander, faces practically touching, "And I'd thought i'd be the one to ask."

"You sound like we're getting married." Zander sneered.

"We could be eventually, I mean. Only time will tell."

Zander quirked a brow, "I'm sorry?"

Jake leaned in, letting their lips meet, Zander didn't resist but rather he enjoyed it. Then in that moment their heartbeats were in sync, each rhythmic patting soothing the other. Jake pulled away, cheeks painted with red by an invisible painter.

"Haha. I mean I enjoyed it but consent is a thing you know." Zander deadpanned.

"I'm sorry but what? You enjoyed it."

"Duh. Are you blind? I mean I said I enjoyed it and I didn't pull away so-"

Jake said smugly, "Yes, your presence is just too bright for me, for you are an angel in disguise." He paused, "And by angel I mean the accurate ones."

Zander wanted to pull his face into a scowl but it morphed into a light chuckle. Jake did the same, the whole entirety of it felt so cliche. The chuckles were cut off by a monotone voice.

"Lovebirds, go to the waiting room." The voice came from the janitor, her straight raven hair framing magenta eyes and pale skin.

"Of course!" Jake stammered, quickly making his way towards the waiting room, Zander following behind.


Anticipation overwhelmed Zander as he was hunched in the corner, just like everyone else the main thought was who the possible winner could be. He was snapped out of his racing thoughts as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it'll be fine." Jake reassured.

Zander delivered a small smile back pleased at how the day went so far.

Jake really wasn't the worst, he was far better than that.


A/n : merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it!

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