Chapter 11

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A Dance! Jander AU.
Chapter 11 =

We like to dance and stuff
Jake - I have a idea
Milly! - what is it?
Jake - You know how people dance and get money from it
Luke - Yeah.?
Jake - so I was thinking that, we could go to the park and dance, ao we get money
Hailey - i'm down, i don't really have anything better to do.
Milly! - Sure!
Luke - why not
Jake - meet me at the park at 3:00
~at 3:00~
Jake sat at the edge of the fountain staring at his feet.
"Hey Jake!" A familiar voice piped up.
Jake looked up to see the spunky girl named Millicent.
"Oh hey Milly." Jake greeted.
Milly took a seat next to Jake and gave him a wide grin.
"When are Luke and Hailey getting here?" Milly asked.
"Hailey and Luke are on the way." Jake replied.
~a few minutes later~
"Hey guys!" Luke called out.
"Hi everyone." Hailey added.
Jake pulled out a speaker from his bag and his phone.
"Should we start dancing?" Jake asked, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Yep!" Milly spoke up.
Jake connected his phone to the speaker and hit shuffle on his music playlist.
Milly stood up on the edge of the fountain and held her hand out for Jake, Jake quickly set down a bucket on the floor and grabbed Milly's hand. Jake spinned Milly around as the two danced on the fountain edge.
"Be careful!" Luke mentioned.
"We'll be fine!" Milly scoffed.
Milly broke away and twirled on the heels of her foot with her hands making wide gestures. Milly then hopped down from the fountain and started to dance with Luke. Following Milly Jake jumped down and grabbed Hailey before he started to spin her around and dip her. Hailey chuckled as Jake dipped her and brought her back up and spun her around as the two locked eye contact. Hailey soon broke eye contact and started to dance with Luke as Milly came to dance with Jake. This continued for a while with the occasional solos, that were mostly done by Jake. Jake was doing his solo Jake ; he noticed familiar purple tipped hair somewhere in the crowd. Jake smirked to himself and held his hand out.
"Come and dance Zander." Jake called out to the purple tipped hair figure.
Zander scoffed as he rolled his eyes before taking Jake's hand and being spun around and passed to Luke.

Zander's POV

Heck.Did I really have to dance with my ex crush, it's just going to be awkward isn't it. I sighed just before I got passed to Milly, I've been saved. Milly tried to dip me but ended up dropping me.
"Agh!" I called out clearly annoyed.
Jake did some weird dance walk towards me and pulled me before he started to dance with me. As we danced I noticed his handsome features. Wait what-
Did I just call Jake, the one and only Jake, handsome?! I could feel my face heating up at the realization.
"God are you sunburnt or something?" Jake asked.
"N-not at all!" I stuttered.
"Or are you just hypnotized by my handsome looks~" Jake teased flirtatiously.
"Ha! You wish!" I replied, I mean he wasn't exactly wrong.
Slowly more people joined the crowd and were in awe at all 5 of us dancing. I soon realized how synchronized me and Jake really were, yeah we weren't exactly doing the same moves but it just seemed to fit. I guess Mrs.Rosy pairing us together wasn't the worst thing in the world. Yeah, Jake isn't so bad after all. I could feel a smile tugging at my lips, I soon let the smile form into a wide grin.
"OMG, is Zander smiling?!" Jake questioned with a dramatic gasp.
"The edgelord really can smile!" Jake added.
I scoffed as I could see people dropping dollar bills and coins into the bucket.
~after a while~
We had all finished dancing and were just sitting on the fountain's edge.
"Milkshakes anyone?" Luke spoke up.
"Hell yeah!" Milly replied as she pumped her fists in the air.
"Sure." Hailey replied.
"Why not." I added.
"I'm down!" Jake responded.


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