Chapter 21

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A jander dance au!
Chapter 21 =

Zander woke up only to be greeted by the subtle smell of pancakes that wafted through the air. How exactly did he end up here? Though, he didn't exactly mind, the smell of food caused him to get up and investigate.
"Hello?" He spoke up.
"Look who's finally up." A strangely familiar voice piped up.
Soon a familiar figure peeked his head out, revealing a bed head that mirrored an abstract sunset, he wore an apron that was lightly dusted with flour.
"Jake?" Zander questioned.
"Yes it's me silly." Snickered Jake.
"How did I end up here?" Zander asked.
"You're asking so many questions." Jake sighed.
"And you live here doofus." Added Jake before returning to the kitchen to flip the pancake.

"What?" Muttered Zander in disbelief.
"Pancakes are ready!" Jake chirped up again, placing two plates of pancakes on the table and motioning for Zander to take a seat.
As Jake began to dig into the stack of pancakes, Zander noticed something peculiar on Jake's finger that the sun shined off of.
"You got married?..."
"Yeah, three years ago. Don't you remember? We got married. To each other." Jake said in a suspicious sounding tone.
"I-" Gasped Zander slightly in disbelief.
"Are you alright? You look pale." Jake noted worryingly.
"Y-yeah." Zander stammered, unable to regain his composure.
"I just need to get fresh air." Zander mentioned, biting down onto his lip bitterly, Jake hesitantly reached out a hand before sighing and leaning back into the chair as Zander walked onto the balcony.
Zander appreciated the surge of fresh air that ran through his body as he took in a deep breath.

"What on earth..."
Zander let out a groan as he draped his arms over the railings, staring dully at the bustling city.
"I'm probably just hallucinating, I mean I haven't slept in 5 days so that's a possibility."
He let out another sigh as his legs practically gave way, letting him drop to the floor. Everything faded to black, the strange sensation of warmth fluffiness greeting him as soon as it did.

Zander woke up in a cold sweat. What exactly was that dream? Zander found himself in an odd place, yet it seemed familiar.
"Where am I?" Zander spoke up, easing the silence that filled the room.
No response.
Was he kidnapped? Amnesia? A hospital? Did he finally get out of the simulation? Thoughts raced through his mind, coming up with some dreaded situations while others pretty tame.

"Oh look, the edgelord is finally up."

A/N = oMg the worst writer denki finally posted a chaptER
WO w wO w
I'd never thought I'd see the daY

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