Chapter 4

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A Dance! Jander AU
Chapter 4 =

"Hold on my phone is ringing." Daisy mentioned.
Jake sighed in defeat as Daisy picked up her phone.
"Oh hey!" She said cheerily.
"Oh I'm just at the park with Jake." She added.
"I love you too." She finished with a wide grin on her face.
"Maybe it's just a friend or family member?" Jake thought to himself.
"What were you going to say?" Daisy asked.
"It's nothing.." Jake muttered.
"Well we should probably head home, it was nice hanging out with you." Daisy spoke happily as she began to walk away.
"God, she's adorable.." Jake thought aloud.
Jake took off his jacket and tied it around his waist and grabbed his things and headed home. Jake walked home to his apartment to find Sean sitting on the couch watching anime.
"Welcome home Jake." Sean mentioned his eyes still glued to the screen.
Jake took off his shoes and walked inside.
"You won't believe what happened today." Jake whined as he collapsed onto the couch. Sean paused and turned to face Jake.
"What happened?" Sean asked.
"I got paired with Zander for regionals!" Jake complained.
"You two are like rivals right?" Sean questioned.
"Not exactly, he just hates me because I bullied him and Hailey in high school." Jake started.
"I was pressured into bullying him!" Jake added.
"Hailey's forgiven me because I've changed." Jake huffed.

"Maybe regionals will be a chance for him to see that you're not all that bad." Sean said assuringly.
Jake gave Sean a soft smile.
"I hope so..." Jake muttered.
"Anyways i'm going to take a nap." Jake mumbled as he made his way to his room.
He arrived in his room and flopped onto his bed. There were music posters hung on the walls. The bed had a dark blue blanket draped over it. Jake rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling before drifting asleep.
_Hey Jake!_
_Yes Daisy?_
_I loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you!_
_I love you too Daisy!_
_Our lips touched together in the dim candle light_
_the fire from the candle seemed to be growing bigger_
_I turned to face Zander in the corner holding a box of matches_
_Zander lit a bunch of matches and threw it near me and Daisy_
_we became engulfed in the flames everything fading to black_
Jake wakes up with a gasp.Panicked he looked around the room for any source of fire, Jake then sighed in relief.
"What on earth was that.." He pondered.

Zander stood in front of the toaster waiting for his toast. After it was finished Zander placed it on a plate and put butter on it. Zander walked over to a small couch and sat down.
"I still can't believe I got paired with that self centered jerk." Zander muttered as he took a bite of the piece of toast.
"It really could've anyone!" Zander scoffed.
A cat hopped onto Zander's lap, the cat had black fur and brilliant green eyes.
"I was wondering where you were Salem." Zander mumbled as he pet the cat in his lap.
The cat purred softly as it got the attention it craved.Salem curled into a small ball and fell asleep. Zander finished the toast and set the plate on a coffee table, trying his best not to wake up Salem. Zander stroked Salem as she was asleep.


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