A special

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A/N so this doesn't really affect the plot and also Denki is my discord name, so yeh

A special-
Jake stood in a room along with Hailey,Milly,Luke,Zander and Sean. Soon a blinding white light filled the room and they all took a step back. After what seemed like ages the light slowly faded away.
"What the heck was that!" Milly huffed angrily
They all soon noticed a figure sitting in the middle of the room. It was a girl who had dark brown hair with faded blue streaks in it, her hair fell messily to her shoulders. Her bloodshot eyes were a honey brown with dark circles under her eyes.
"HOLY QUIZNACK!" The girl called out as she rubbed her eyes in disbelief.
"Who are you!?" Zander questioned.
"Me? I'm ###### but you can call me Denki." The girl mumbled as she collapsed onto the floor.
"I knew I shouldn't have eaten those cookies that random dude gave me.." Denki mumbled under her breath.
"Are you some sort of god or something?" Jake wondered.
"Jake thats just stupid." Zander retorted.
"I'm just human, at least I think I am." Denki replied with a hint of confusion in her voice.
"How on earth did this happen?!" Hailey groaned as she lightly squeezed the bridge of her nose.
Denki was now wandering around the room, inspecting every little detail.
"Wow, I'm actually in my Fanfic." Denki gasped slightly.
"You're what?" Sean asked.
"Oh they don't know anything huh.." Denki thought to herself.
"Oh nothing it's fine Sean!" Denki piped up.
"H-how do you know my name!" Sean stuttered.
Denki's expression dimmed and a sinister grin tugged at her lips.
"Oh I know everything." Mentioned Denki in a chilling tone.
"This is a disaster.." Luke sighed.
"I still think you're some sort of god." Jake added.
"Jake, will you stop with that stupid idea!" Zander responded to Jake.
"It's still possible!" Jake protested.
"I wonder if..." Denki said as she peaked her head through the door.
"It really does smell like roses!" She said in disbelief before zoning out.
"It's exactly like how I imagined it!" Added Denki as she snapped back to reality.
Soon, Denki turned to face Luke as she stifled a laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" Luke asked.
"I wish I could tell you." Denki sighed.
"But, that'll affect things and all." She mentioned as she pressed her hands together before giving them a small grin.
The room filled with light once again and dimmed down only to reveal what appears to be a tear in the floor. Denki ran over to inspect it and she quickly noticed familiar surroundings.
"Well before I go." Denki added.
"Let's just say, an unlikely pair will get together." She said as she looked towards Zander and Jake, giving them a wink.
"Denki out and stay weird!" Denki called out as she jumped into the tear in the floor.

Denki's POV

I jumped through the hole, only to be greeted by my energetic dog that was lying on the bed. I sighed as I curled up in the sheets.
"Today was crazy, I'll need to write chapter 12 soon." I groaned.
Soon my eyes slowly fluttered shut as I entered the land of dreams.

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