Chapter 8

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A Dance! Jander AU
Chapter 8 =
**hehe it's time for the minor angst**

_Jakes POV_
I stared out the apartment window to see Sean hugging a familiar girl with soft white hair and gorgeous pale blue eyes. My eyes widened in shock to see the two kiss under the stars right in front of me. Tears start to well up in my eyes but I try to keep it back. Sean opens the door and greets me.
"Hello Jake." Sean greeted happily.
"Hey Sean your dating Daisy aren't you?" I asked a sad yet angry tone to my voice.
"I suppose the truth would've come up soon." Sean muttered.
"You knew I liked her didn't you?" I asked,my tone slowly growing louder and angrier.
"I never knew, i-im sorry." Sean apologized.
"YOU KNEW I LOVED HER, I TOLD YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE THOSE STUPID BLUE EYES OF HERS!" I called out, the tears starting to flood my eyes.
"I TOLD YOU HOW I'VE LOVED HER FOR YEARS!"I added, the tears streaming down my face.
"i'm going on a walk." I spat angrily as I walked through the door, slamming it behind me.

_Zanders POV_

I walked down the dimly lit street with my hands in my pockets. I notice a figure curled up against a wall and upon further inspection it seems to be Jake. I walk over to him slowly only to notice his tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.
"Jake." I muttered as I poked him.
He jumped slightly and gave me a forced grin.
"Yes?" He asked with an incredibly fake voice and smile.
I scowled at him and sighed.
"You're crying about Daisy aren't you?" I questioned.
"M-me? I'm not crying about anything!" He stuttered.
"Man you are one bad liar." I deadpanned.
Jake smiled at me softly as he wiped his eyes, my face turned slightly red at that soft smile, it isn't like his usual smug and forced smiles.
"What happened?" I asked as I sat beside him.
"I got into a fight with a roommate." He replied with a sad tone in his voice.
"Sean right? You two are pretty good friends right?" I wondered.
"Were, we were good friends at least I think we were." He remarked with his voice growing angrier.
It seemed to be a pretty serious fight..
"You can stay at my apartment for the night." I mentioned.
"Really!?" He said with that usual wide grin on his face.
"Yeah.." I muttered trying to hide the soft blush that painted my cheeks as I realized how good looking he actually was.
"Thanks.." He thanked me while giving me that soft smile.
"Come on, follow me." I said I as I stood up before giving him a hand.
He took my hand and stood up and followed me to my apartment underneath the starry sky. We arrived at my apartment, Salem greeting me as usual. Salem turned to face Jake and brushed against his legs. Odd, she never does this to people she hasn't met before.
"Hungry?" I asked him.
"Not really." He responded as Salem hopped into his lap.
Even more odd, she never goes into new peoples laps. I just ignored it and sighed as I sat across from Jake.
"You should really work things out with Sean tomorrow." I mentioned.
Jake looked to the side sadly,before speaking up.
"Yeah I guess." He muttered as he stroked Salem.
"You can sleep on the couch, i'll get you some pillows and a blanket." I added.
"Hey.." Jake spoke up.
"Thanks for everything." He added with that stupid warm smile on his face.
"No problem." I replied.

_Third person POV_
_next day_
Jake stood there , zoned out and not paying attention to anything. He had a sad expression on his face. Zander angrily walked over and grabbed Jake's shoulders making him jump slightly.
"stop thinking about Daisy!" Zander huffed.
"You really shouldn't be this sad over some stupid girl!" Zander added angrily.


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