Chapter 12

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A dance! Jander AU
Chapter 12 =

They all sat on a bench sipping the cold milkshakes. Milly had a banana and peanut butter one, Luke had chocolate, Hailey had strawberry, Zander had vanilla and Jake had cotton candy.
"Zander, you're so boring." Jake pointed out.
Zander rolled his eyes and took another sip of his milkshake.
"At least it's not literal diabetes and besides at least it's better than that trash." Zander retorted making Jake gasp dramatically.
"You take that back!" Jake said as he collapsed onto Zander.
"Never!" Scoffed Zander as Jake placed a hand on his forehead.
"I think i'm dying in the presence of this boring person!" Groaned Jake as he shut his eyes.

"Oh no, how tragic." Deadpanned Zander,making Jake open an eye.
"Be more sad." Jake hissed under his breath.
"oh noooo, Jake has died, what a tragedy!" Zander called out as he wiped a fake tear from his eye and Jake gave him a thumbs up before collapsing again.
Jake had a coughing fit as Zander cradled him in his arms with a saddened expression on his face.
"I- i'll miss you Jake." Zander sighed as he held Jake closer to his chest, still cradling Jake's still body.
Zander wiped a tear from his face and gazed into Jake's eyes before sighing and pushing Jake off of him and onto the floor.
"AGH! What the hell Zander!" Whined Jake.
"That was supposed to be emotional!" Jake mentioned as he flailed his arms in the air.

"You're so childish." Remarked Zander.
Faint clapping would be heard from Milly along with slight chuckles from Luke.
"Gosh, you two really are like an old married couple." Milly scoffed as she stopped clapping.
Zander's face went red at what everyone has been saying for a while before speaking up "Why does everyone say that!"
"Because it's true." Hailey added.
"Help me up edgelord!" Jake piped up, cutting off Hailey.
Zander sighed before he offered Jake a hand, Jake gladly took Zander's hand and stood up and shot Zander a glare.
"You didn't have to drop me." Jake huffed.
"I know but I wanted to do it anyway." Zander teased playfully as he draped his shoulders over Jake, making their noses touch slightly.
Jake could feel his cheeks heating up at how close their noses were, Jake could even feel Zanders breath.

"You look terrible." Zander scoffed as he pointed to Jake's red cheeks.
"See this is why you wear sunscreen." Added Zander as he removed his arms from Jake's shoulders to face the confused faces of everyone else.
"What?" Zander questioned everyone.
"Dude, that was really gay-" Milly blurted out making Zander raise an eyebrow.
"I was inspecting Jake's horrendous face." Zander retorted.
"How dare you! My face is beautiful!" Jake gasped dramatically.
"As pretty as a toad!" Remarked Zander.

"Hey don't insult toads like that!" Milly called out angrily.
Zander hopped up onto the edge of the fountain, with Jake following after him.
"Where are you going?" Jake asked as he followed Zander around the edge, occasionally flailing his arms out to regain his balance.
Compared to Jake, Zander was well balanced and rarely needed to regain his balance. Zander did a slight spin on the fountain edge and held a hand out to Jake. Jake took his hand and did a spin with his arms flying out as an attempt to regain his balance.
"How are you so balanced!" Jake asked in a confused yet impressed tone.
"Magic." Zander replied with slight Jazz hands.

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