Chapter 13

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A Jander! Dance AU
Chapter 13 =

Jake's POV

"Why do you keep walking around the fountain?" I asked in an annoyed tone.
"Why do you keep following me?" Zander retorted that caused Jake to remain silent.
Zander grabbed my hand and spinned me around before dipping me.
"What are you doi-" I started before realizing Zander had let go. Panicked, I grabbed Zander's sleeve and pulled him into the fountain with me.
"Hey!-" Zander called out before we both fell into the fountain.
I sat upright to look at Zander who had a deep scowl on his face and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Zander seemed puzzled at my random burst of laughter, I turned to face Zander to notice how he had a slight smile on his face.
"Zander actually smiles!?" I gasped in disbelief.
Zander rolled his eyes as he stood up still soaking wet, he held out a hand for me and I gladly took it. Luke raised an eyebrow before speaking up "You're going to have to walk home in wet clothes now."
"Oh yeah..." I sighed.
"Blame Zander." I accused as I pointed a finger at Zander.
Zander scoffed before smirking at me with no sense of guilt on his face.
"I have no regrets." Zander scoffed playfully as he nudged me with his elbow.
"Let's just go to someone's house to dry off." Hailey sighed.
"We can go to mine, it's nearby." Jake responded.
"My roommates at work, so that's that." Jake added.
"Well then, let's go." Milly chirped up.
"Yeah yeah, just follow me." I muttered in response as I started to walk.
I turned around to face Zander who was inspecting his wet hair.
~when we arrived~
"I'll get some towels, just stay right there." I called out as I walked inside for the towels for me and Zander.
I walked to the door and threw the towel in Zander's face only to get a scowl in return.
"What?" I teased before huffing "A thank you would be nice?"

Rosy's POV

I walked through the rose scented halls only to notice a familiar figure leaning against a wall.
"Rai?" I questioned the familiar figure.
The figure looked up before smiling "You bet!".
"Why are you here?" I asked again in a suspicious tone.
"I was just asking how many people are auditioning for regionals." Rai responded.
"Quite a bit actually, I've made some pretty good pairings." I bragged.
"Really, I can't wait to see them, you know only if they make it." Rai added.
"Well, just wanted to remind you that I won't go easy on you and your dancers." She mentioned.
I nodded and spoke up "So um bye I guess?"
"Oh of course! I still need to visit Erin studios." Rai said in a slightly panicked tone.
"Well bye!" She called out as she dashed out of the door waving.
"Bye Rai!" I called back out to her while waving.

Third Person POV

Rai walked into Erin studios and inspected the navy walls. A girl with black hair that faded into navy blue that fell back in soft curls.
"You must be Rai." The girl greeted.
"And you must be Erin." Rai replied.
Erin had a wide grin on her face and she mumbled something under her breath.
"Well, come in." Erin added.
Erin opened a door to a room that revealed a large group of people that were dancing around.
"Well they aren't participating in regionals but they call themselves the fanfic squad." Erin mentioned.
Soon one of them grabbed a metal bat and was about to hit someone who was sprawled on the floor. Erin slowly closed the door and smiled at Rai sheepishly.
"Would you like anything else?" Muttered Erin in an awkward tone.
"How many duos will be participating?" Rai asked.
"Oh around 9 duos." Replied Erin.
"Alrighty, I'll be leaving now." Rai mentioned.
"Bye!" Rai said as she walked out the door.
Erin peaked back into the room.



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