Chapter 6

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A Dance! Jander AU
Chapter 6 =

Jake's POV

I walked through the studio's glass door to be greeted by the soft familiar smell of roses that wafted through the studio's halls. I look to find Zander leaning against a wall. He turned to face me and walked over to me.
"We should probably get working on the dance." Zander deadpanned.
"U-um sure." I muttered. as I followed him into one of the rooms.
"So, any ideas for a song?" Zander questioned.
"We can just look through our music playlists." I mumbled.
An awkward tension wafted through the air, we were both clearly trying our best not to make it awkward.Zander took out his phone and hit the music playlist on shuffle. I heard familiar piano keys and I turned to face him clearly confused.
when i was a young boy
my father took me into the city
to see a marching band
I looked over to see just classical,piano music and emo songs.
"Your playlist is boring, let's use mine." I remarked.

Zander rolled his eyes and gave me a slight scowl.
"Sure." He added a tone of sarcasm in his voice.
I hit shuffle on my music playlist.
baby, can't you see i'm calling?
a guy like you should wear a warning
it's dangerous, i'm falling
there's no escape, i can' t wait
"How about this?" I asked.
"No." Zander sneered.
I guess he doesn't like Brittney Spears. I sighed and randomly picked another song.
You, you're not as clever as you think you are
You try to run,
But you won't get that far I'm right
Behind you like we're racing, like a chasing
Oh, are you in devil's hand with no regret
You play it cool while you
Try to forget But it's right behind
You like it's racing, like a chasing
Oh oh oh
I'm, I'm moving quick, and I don't make a sound
Your making noise, and I watch you slow down
I'm catching up just like we're racing, like a chasing
Now, I'm on your heels, and I'm inside
Your head
I'm on the scene, and I'm inside your bed
"I'm not really feeling this one, how about you?" I asked.
"Nope." He replied.
Once again I picked a random song.
Remember the words you told me, love me 'til the day I die
Surrender my everything 'cause you made me believe you're mine
Yeah, you used to call me baby, now you calling me by name
Takes one to know one, yeah*
You beat me at my own damn game
"Hmm, I like it." Zander said.
"I like it too, we just need a dance now.." I mumbled.
I stood up and just started to go dance with the flow not really knowing what I was doing.

Zander's POV

I stared at how Jake was dancing around the room, his movements hypnotic. I stared in awe as he freestyled trying to get the feel of the song. I'd hate to admit it but he was a good dancer, even if he is a good dancer he's still an over confident jerk.

Third Person POV

Jake stopped dancing and walked back over to Zander a smug grin on his face.
"So how was I, pretty good right?" Jake bragged.
"Average." Zander scoffed.
"You know i'm good." Jake teased playfully as the awkwardness disappeared.
Zander rolled his eyes.
"We should work on the dance now." Zander deadpanned.
After 10 minutes the two broke into an argument.
"WE SHOULD DO THIS MOVE!" Jake called out.
"THIS MOVE WORKS BETTER!" Zander replied.
The two were bickering for quite some time. Hailey leaned against the door frame.
"God, you two argue like an old married couple." She scoffed a grin tugging at her lips. Zander snapped his head around to face Hailey a slight red tint creeping up on his cheeks. The two stayed silent.
"I came to see where the noise was coming from, it's all coming together now." She added.
"Just keep it down will you?" Hailey sighed before she walked away.
Zander squeezed the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"We need to be more productive." Jake mumbled
"You think?" Zander deadpanned shooting Jake a glare.
After 20 minutes the two had only gotten 17 seconds of the song done. Jake turned to the clock.
"I guess we were a little more productive." Jake muttered.
"I suppose so.." Zander mentioned.
Jake looked down at his phone and sighed.
"I need to go." Jake mentioned as he gathered his stuff.
"Why?" Zander questioned.
"Meeting up with old friends."
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