Chapter 19

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A Jander dance AU!
Chapter 19 =

"Let's go on the death drop!" Milly said excitedly.
"I don't think i'll go though." Hailey chuckled awkwardly.
"I second that!" Luke chirped up.
"Jake?" Milly muttered with a small pout.
"You bet!" Jake exclaimed.
"How about you Zander?" Jake added, his eyes twinkling with joy.
"Sure I gues-" Zander sighed.
"Yes! Let's go! Come on Milly!" Jake spoke up, cutting off Jake before grabbing Zander's hand to drag him to the ride with Milly.
"I'm going to regret this aren't I?" Zander groaned as he got into the line with a vibrant haired girl and peach tipped boy.
"You bet." Jake snickered at his small accomplishment which caused Zander to sigh in defeat.
"At this point if you keep sighing, you'll end up like Luke." Milly scoffed with a playful smirk.
"Oh look we can get on now." Zander pointed out before walking up and strapping himself into the ride with the other two following along.
As the ride slowly ascended to the sky, few started relaxing themselves trying to ignore the height they had reached. Soon it stopped and Zander let out a sigh of relief before the ride plummeted to the ground, earning a few screams from strangers and Milly's yells of excitement.
As soon as the ride stopped at the ground, people hurried off of the ride in shock with some shaking while others wore wide grins.
"That was awesome!" Milly told the rest of the group as she ran ahead of Jake and Zander.
"I hated that." Zander complained to Jake.
"You agreed to doing it." Teased Jake with a smug grin plastered onto his face.
"You're not wrong." Zander mumbled in response as they both arrived to the rest of the group.
"Is that Sadie?" Hailey spoke up as Sadie walked by, a suspicious amount of plushies in her hands.
"Yep." Luke said simply as he waved to the jet black haired girl, who merely looked at Luke dead in the eye before walking off somewhere and disappearing into the crowd.
"What did I expect anyways." Luke sighed again.
"Dude, Sadie does that to everyone it isn't the end of the world." Milly stated.
"Why don't we split up and meet here later before the fireworks start?" Hailey spoke up.
"We can split into one group of three and one group of two." Hailey started before Jake grabbed Zander by the wrist dragging him off somewhere, leaving the three with each other.
"Jake where are we going." Zander deadpanned.

"Ferris wheel."

They both arrived at the ferris wheel that had no line so they got on immediately.
"Why the ferris wheel?" Questioned Zander.
"The view would be beautiful." Jake said softly.
"Alright." Zander replied as he leaned into the seat.
The ferris wheel started, with Jake staring idly out the window, admiring the specks of city lights scattered across the horizon.
"Oh look the fireworks have started already." Zander muttered as they both turned to investigate the bursts of color that were launched into the air.
Jake seemed to be in awe of the vibrant display before his eyes landed on something, or perhaps someone that caused his expression to dim.
"Jake." Zander muttered and he turned to face him with a saddened smile.

"At least he's happy, they're both so happy together and that's all that matters."


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