Chapter 7

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A Dance! Jander AU
_chapter 7 =_

Jake sat across from Drew and Liam while Henry sat next to Jake.
"So what's been up with you all?" Liam questioned.
"I got a girlfriend." Henry replied.
"I work at a decently big company." Drew added.
"I dance at Clozy Dance Studios now.." Jake mumbled
"You actually did it?" Liam questioned.
"I didn't expect you'd actually start dancing there." Liam mentioned.
Jake sighed and gave them a slight awkward smile.
"Yeah, I actually did it..." Jake muttered his voice trailing off.
Jake wrapped his hands around his drink as he uncomfortably listened to their conversations as he stared out the window.
"Jake are you okay?" Drew asked with a slight tone of worry.
"Y-yep! Just a lot on my mind." Jake stuttered.
"Whatever you say." Drew mumbled.
Jake fiddled with the jacket tied around his waist as he uncomfortably shifted in the chair. An hour of Jake occasionally engaging in conversations before zoning off again had passed and everyone had to head home. Jake quickly said his goodbyes before walking home. Jake walked into his apartment only to find that Sean had already left for work. He took off his shoes and sank into the couch before passing out.

Hailey peaked her head through the door to find Zander doing an old choreography.
"Alexander." Hailey called out, making Zander halt to a sudden stop.
"I told you to stop calling me that." He sneered.
Hailey let out a small chuckle and gave Zander a small smile.
"Where's Jake?" She questioned.
"Meeting up with old friends." Zander replied.
"Who did you get paired up with?" Zander added.
"Some girl named Daisy." Hailey responded.
"Oh her, she's Jake's crush or something." Zander mentioned.
Hailey crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
"How do you know that?" She asked.
"The way he looks at her, it's kind of obvious." Zander muttered.
"Hmm, never knew that." Hailey pondered.
"Well anyways I have work, so see ya later." Hailey mentioned before she walked away.
Zander sighed and gathered all of his things before heading to the parking lot and driving back home.
**next day**
Mrs.Rosy walked into the room with everyone sitting on the floor.
"Hello everyone!" She greeted everyone happily.
"Today i'm going to tell you which Studios are participating in regionals and who are the judges." She added.
"Yohan studios, Sady dance studios, Lumi studios and Erin dance studios, will be participating in this year's regionals." She mentioned.
"And the judge's will be Len, Garby and Rai!" She said as she looked at the piece of paper.
Her expression suddenly dimmed and she had a creepy look in her eye.
"You better not be lazy with your dancing." She muttered.
The dim expression faded to her usual happy expression.
"Work hard and don't give up!" She called out before she left the room.
"Man Mrs. Rosy sure is scary sometimes." Jake mumbled.
"That's the only thing I agree with you about." Zander responded.
"When were you here?" Jake asked.
"For awhile." Zander mumbled.
Jake raised an eyebrow before sighing.
"We should go work on our dance and be productive." Jake added as he sat up.
"Yeah.." Zander muttered as he sat up and followed Jake.
After a few minutes.
"Yeah the move goes like this." Jake mentioned as he showed the dance move.
"Like this?." Zander asked as he copied his movements.
"Yeah, just flourish your arm more." Jake added.
Zander nodded before trying the move again.
"Yep you got it." Jake mentioned.
Zander pressed his lips into a small smile at the progress they were making.
"Is Zander smiling?" Jake teased with an over dramatic gasp.
"No, you must be seeing things." Zander scoffed.
"Don't deny it~" Jake playfully teased.
Zander rolled his eyes.
"In your dreams." Zander deadpanned.
After a few minutes the two broke out into another argument.
"HOW DUMB ARE YOU IT'S A SIMPLE MOVE!" Zander said angrily.
"Could you guys keep it down?" Luke spoke up making them turn their heads.
"Some of us are trying to dance not debate." Luke muttered.
Zander scowled and looked away.
"We'll try.." Zander mumbled.
Luke then sighed and walked away, leaving the two alone in awkward silence.

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