Chapter 10

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A Dance! Jander AU
Chapter 10 =

Zander's POV

I stared at Luke blankly as he sipped his coffee. I had a crush on him for the longest time, you know before he rejected me and we just stayed friends after that. Let's just say it was pretty awkward and I was severely heartbroken after that confession. The confession was pretty cliche, I asked him to meet by the willow tree and I confessed. Except he didn't accept it and just wanted to stay friends. I have to admit, he is really pretty but then again I find almost any guy pretty. I sighed as Luke turned to face me and he raised an eyebrow.
"Something wrong?" He questioned.
"Nothing, just lost in thought." I muttered.
Luke sighed as he set his coffee down on the table.
"You clearly aren't fine." Luke huffed.
"What's on your mind?" He asked.
"Just regionals.." I groaned.
"Is it Jake?" He wondered.
"Yeah.." I replied.

Jake's POV

I sat on the balcony with the plate of cookies on my lap. I guess I finally found out the reason sean never bakes. I look down at my phone.

How'd it go with Sean?
I typed my reply as I bit into a cookie.
it went ok.
that's good to hear.
I contemplated for a bit on why I had his number. Oh yeah, it was when I stayed over at his apartment.
next day
I walked into the studio, greeted by the usual scent of roses.
"Good morning Jake!" Daisy greeted me as usual.
A slight red tint creeped up on my face, NO she's dating Sean! I need to get over Daisy!
"M-morning Daisy!" I stuttered.
Wow real smooth Jake! I walked into the room only to find Zander dancing around. I stared in awe as he danced around the room, he really is a good dancer. As the music stopped so did Zander. He turned to face me and he raised an eyebrow.
"Are you gonna come in or not?" He questioned.
My face turned red in embarrassment. "Of course!"
I walked towards Zander trying to hide the red tint on my face. He leaned to look at me and our faces were inches apart.
"You look like you have a fever." Zander mentioned as he placed his hand on my forehead. My face suddenly went red.
"You look really red." He mentioned.
Zander's eyes widened as he realized how close we were and he took a step back and laughed awkwardly.
"Sorry about that, you're okay though right?" He mumbled and I swear I could see something pink on his cheeks.
"Yep i'm fine!" I reassured him.
"We should work on our Dance!" He added.

Third person POV

After a while the two started getting into an argument.
"YOU NEED TO STOP SPACING OUT!" Zander called out.
"I'M SORRY OKAY! MY BEST FRIEND IS DATING THE PERSON I'VE LOVED FOR SO MANY YEARS!" Jake replied clearly on the verge of tears.
Zander stopped and sighed before embracing Jake in a hug.
"Z-zander." Jake stuttered.
"You need a hug." Zander responded sternly.
Jake was pretty shocked by the sudden hug, Zander didn't exactly seem to be the type to hug.
"You two seemed to be getting along well." A familiar voice piped up.
Zander quickly broke from the hug and turned to face the body of the voice.
"Hi Mrs.Rosy." Jake spoke up.
"See, you two do make a good pair." Mrs.Rosy remarked before walking away.
Jake wiped his eyes before sighing.
"I need some air." Jake muttered before walking outside.
"Wait Jake- ugh." Zander called out to him.
Zander sighed as he decided to follow Jake. Zander found Jake sitting in an empty room with his knees up to his chest.
"There you are!" Zander mentioned as he sat down next to Jake.
Zander looked at Jake and noticed his puffy eyes.
"God you're so difficult.." Zander groaned.
"Girls are so complicated.." Jake whined.
"That's why i'm gay." Zander deadpanned.
Jake looked at Zander in shock "Wait What!?"
"Um yeah?" Zander said sheepishly.
"I never knew that huh." Jake muttered.
Zander nudged Jake with his elbow "See, you don't know anything about me."
"You don't know anything about me either edgelord." Jake teased playfully and Zander just scoffed as a response.


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