Chapter 3

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A Dance! Jander AU
Chapter 3=
"Can't you change our partners!" Jake pleaded.
Mrs.Rosy shook her head.
"You two will have to figure out how to work together, or you won't go to regionals." She added.
"I'm not going to work with that **self centered jerk!**" Zander called out.
"Not much I can do about that, good luck." She mentioned as she walked away.
Jake sighed in defeat and Zander shot Jake a glare.
"What? I didn't choose the partners." Jake scoffed.

"Hailey, want to go to the café?" Milly asked.
"Why want to see your crush." Hailey teased playfully.
Milly's face turned bright red.
"N-no! I just want some drinks." Milly mumbled.
The two walked over to the quaint little café, they walked into the café first passing the selection of flowers you can buy.Hailey and Milly walked up to the counter to be greeted by a boy with light pink hair and rounded glasses.
"H-hey M-milly." The Boy stuttered.
"Hi Elliot." Milly replied.
"Hmm I'd like the green tea." Hailey added.
"And i'd like the boba tea please." Milly continued.
"O-of course, take a seat, your o-order will be here soon."Elliot muttered.
The girls took a seat and observed the quaint little café, the flower display had orchids,crimson red roses and so many other flowers. The whole café smelt like flowers with hints of coffee. There were old maps and diagrams hung across the walls. It was nice and small, making it so cozy and comfortable.

A girl with dark blue hair tied into a ponytail walked over with the drinks and set them down.
"Hope you enjoy it." The girl said as she walked away.

Jake untied the jacket around his waist and put it on.
"Wow, you finally wear that thing." Zander remarked while rolling his eyes.
Jake scoffed in response.
"Of course I wear it." Jake replied.
Zander took his phone out of his pocket.
"I need to go drop Hailey off." Zander mentioned.
"You're always hanging around that girlfriend of yours." Jake scoffed
Zander snapped his head around to face Jake.
"She's my step sister-" Zander deadpanned.
Jake seemed to be taken aback from the response Zander gave.
"You really don't know anything about me huh." Zander said.
"You don't know anything about me either." Jake added.
"I know you're a self centered jerk." Zander mentioned a small smile tugging at his lips. Jake dramatically gasped.
"Is Zander smiling." Jake teased.
Zander just rolled his eyes.
"Well, I have to go bye I guess." Zander added.
"Goodbye to you edgelord." Jake playfully said.
"That's a new one." Zander called out as he left the room.
Jake sighed and grabbed all of his stuff and walked out the door to find Daisy.
"Hey Jake, want to come to the park with me?" Daisy asked.
"O-of course!" Jake responded, his cheeks growing red.
"It's a short walk, i'm going right now." She added.
The two walked to the park just talking about their day. After they arrived at the park they sat down on the edge of the fountain.
"And Yeah! I can't believe I got paired with Zander." Jake whined.
"You two are like rivals right?" Daisy questioned.
"I guess you could put it like that." Jake said dully.
"What do you mean by that?" Daisy asked.
"He hates me and my guts.." Jake muttered.
"Well, I think regionals will be a good way for you to bond." Daisy started.

"Who knows maybe you'll become best friends." She finished.
"I doubt that." Jake answered.
"You never know." Daisy said.
"Oh look, it's an ice cream truck! Let's get some." Daisy added while she grabbed Jake's hand over to the ice cream truck.
"One strawberry and one chocolate please." Daisy asked.
Daisy made her way over to where Jake sat on the bench, it was a wooden bench, it was actually the only wooden bench in the park, the rest were made of metal.
"Here you go." Daisy said as she handed Jake the chocolate ice cream.
"Thanks Daisy." He responded.
Daisy took a seat next to him.
"Daisy I have to tell you something.." Jake started.
"Of course what is it?" She questioned him.
"Daisy, I li-"

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