Chapter 18

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Zander's POV

Mrs.Rosy started to call out pairs of names, causing everyone to be on the edge of their seat. Well floor I suppose.
"And finally....." Mrs.Rosy said, dragging her words, building suspense.
"Jake and Zander!" She exclaimed cheerily.
"We did it." Jake gasped slightly.
"We did.." I muttered as reality hit me.
we made it to regionals
"Save your celebrations for when you exit the room." Mrs.Rosy hummed happily.
"And you'll have around a week, so you better practice!" Mrs.Rosy ordered in chilling tone.
"Unless you want to change partners but that'll be impractical." Added Mrs.Rosy.
"Oh yes, you can leave now!" Mrs.Rosy said as she shooed everyone out of the room.
"We did it Zander!" Jake said with a wide grin as he pulled me off into a corner.
Jake's hands loosely gripped my shoulders and stared at me with an even wider grin.
"Yep, but it's best to not have our hopes up. We don't know if were going to win regionals." I sighed.
Jake pouted slightly and draped his arms over me, bringing or faces closer together.
"Can't you be positive for once." Jake whined.
"Just being realistic." I scoffed as I noticed a stray strand of hair covering his eye.
I stared at Jake back as I removed the strand of hair from his face, accidentally caressing his cheek. His eyes widened and I swear I could see a hint of blush on his face.
"W-what was that for?" Jake stuttered.
"It was annoying me." I deadpanned, was Jake flustered?
Jake suddenly pushed me back and sighed.
"Let's win nationals." Jake said with a determined glint in his eyes as he held out his hand
"Agreed." I replied and grabbed his hand to shake it, with the same determined glint in my eyes.
"But for now let's have fun!" Jake exclaimed with a soft smile.

Jake's POV

I swear he was about to kiss me right there and then. I should probably stop focusing on this and have some fun.
"Here we are!" I exclaimed.
"A carnival?...." Luke questioned.
"Aw yeah!" Milly said excitedly as she pumped her fists into the air.
"Seems fun." Hailey spoke up.
Zander just stood there, staring blankly at the carnival.
"Earth to Zander!" I called out to him, gaining his attention.
"Yeah?" Zander sighed.

"Let's go!"


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