Chapter 15

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A Jander Dance AU
Chapter 15 =

Jake's POV

I woke to a variety of vibrant colors peaking through the curtains. Something warm is wrapped tightly around my hand, I look up to see Zander who was leaning against the arm of the couch, his purple tipped hair covering his face hiding his features. I reach my hand out to his forehead to move the hair out of his face. A faint blush painted my face as I realized that Zander was still tightly clutching my hand. What happened?
I get up from the couch, trying my best not to wake him up. Sluggishly, I walk over to the mirror. My eyes were tired and puffy and my hair was an absolute mess. What time is it? The clock read : 6:30. Let me get this straight, they left my house at around 4pm and Zander stayed behind. Then I fell asleep on him and he held my hand tightly. My cheeks heat up at the thought, maybe he considers me as a friend now?
Well that's an improvement and that means he trusts me.
"Wait, why am I blushing-" I said as I inspected my tinted cheeks in the mirror.
"It's probably just a sunburn." I sighed as I walked back over to Zander.
Zander opened his eyes groggily and sat upright as he stretched his arms.
"What time is it?" Zander muttered as he stood and walked towards me.
"6:35." I responded as Zander made his way towards me.
Zander draped his hands over my shoulders and just stood there.
"Um Zander?" I asked as I took a step back.
"Oh sorry about that." Zander apologized with a yawn.
"The sunset is pretty today." Chirped up Zander as he walked to the balcony and opened the curtains to reveal the vibrant sunset.
"Yeah you're right it is pretty." I inquired.
Zander opened the glass doors before taking a step outside and breathing in the fresh air.
"Feeling better?" Questioned Zander as he leaned against the door frame.
"Yeah, I guess." I replied as I walked over to him.
"Well, at least you're slowly getting over Daisy." Zander chuckled as he stared off into the distance.
"I suppose.." I said in a sad tone, slowly remembering Sean and Daisy.
Zander patted the top of my head as he turned back to face me.
"You'll get over her, don't worry" Zander said with a wide grin and I couldn't help but smile in return.
"It'll just take some time." Zander mentioned thoughtfully as he kept staring into my eyes.
We just stood like that for a solid 5 minutes.
"Well, I should head home now." Added Zander as he looked away.
"Of course." I stammered.
"Well bye Jake." He called out as he headed out the door.

Zander's POV

I look down to my phone and I see the reflection of my face on the black screen. Am I blushing? It's probably nothing. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and began walking home. As soon as I open the door I'm greeted by Salem who brushed up against my legs.
I leaned down to pet Salem and I spoke up. "Hey Salem.."
Salem purred softly before walking back inside and hopping onto the kitchen counter.
"I need some fresh air.." I groaned, wait I just went outside.
I walked outside again and onto the sidewalk, a large group of people passed by although one seemed to be holding a pole. Huh that's odd. I looked back over to the group and three seemed to be flirting, one was leading the way, two seemed to be at each other's throats, one was still tightly clutching the pole and the rest were eating something. As soon as the group passed by, I took a deep breath in and headed back inside. Those people really were strange. I plop onto the couch and slowly remember how I cradled Jake in my arms. It was oddly relaxing and soothing. His hair was so soft and he honestly looked so cute when he fell asleep. WAIT. What am I thinking? I groaned as I sat upright, letting Salem curl up in my lap. Glad he can't read minds, after all it'll make his head even bigger than it already is. I scoffed as I continued stroking Salem.


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