Chapter 5

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A Dance! Jander AU
Chapter 5 =

Zander wakes up to find Salem sleeping right beside him, Zander sighed as he stroked the cat. He looked towards the clock, 7:45. Jake walked over to the fridge and inspected it.
"Sean, I'm going to the store. Want anything?" Jake called out.
"Can I get a sprite and sour cream and onion pringles?" Sean responded.
Jake grabbed his jacket and tied it around his waist and grabbed his wallet and stuffed it in his pockets along with his phone. He walked out the apartment, he walked down the dimly lit street to the convenience store. Jake walked into the store, the door ringing. He walked across the isles and bumped into someone.
"Agh! I'm so sorry!" Jake apologized.
He looked to find a familiar face.
"Zander what are you doing here?" Jake muttered.
"Getting a sandwich?" Zander deadpanned as he walked to the cashier.
Jake walked over to the drink aisle and grabbed a sprite for Sean. Jake watched as Zander walked out of the store. Jake got the rest of the stuff and walked to the cashier. She had dark brown hair and a pink and blue eye, her name tag read : Sukie. The cashier scanned all of the stuff and put it into a bag.
"Thank you for coming to Sukie's Store!" She said as she handed Jake the bag.
Jake grabbed the bag and thanked her as he walked back to his apartment. Jake opened the door to find Sean sitting at the kitchen counter staring at his phone. Sean turned his phone off and faced Jake. Jake put the stuff on the kitchen counter before collapsing on the couch.
"What's up with you?" Sean questioned as he opened the can of pringles.

"I have terrible luck.." Jake whined
"I keep bumping into Zander! It's like the universe hates me." Jake added while burying his face into a pillow.
"Take your shoes off, you're going to dirty the floor." Sean deadpanned.
Jake took his shoes off and threw them at the door lazily causing Sean to jump slightly.
"Not like that.." Sean mumbled under his breath.
Sean walked over to the couch and gave Jake the snacks.
"I'm going to go to sleep soon." Sean muttered.
"It's only 8:20?" Jake questioned.
"I have a coffee date tomorrow and being sleep deprived isn't ideal." Sean responded.
"WAIT! YOU HAVE A DATE!"Jake yelled in shock.
"Who is it with!" Jake added.
"Umm, i'd rather not say.." Sean deadpanned.
Jake huffed and collapsed back into the couch.

Zander walked up his apartment stairs to the 2nd floor and unlocked the door. Salem greeted him by brushing up against his legs and meowing softly. Zander sat down to give Salem pets. He walked into the apartment and turned the lights on before he locked the front door. He sat down at a table and took a bite out of his sandwich.
"Why do I keep ending up with him.." Zander thought to himself.
Zander finished the sandwich and fed Salem her food. The time read 8:30, Zander sighed and took out a laptop and began to watch Netflix. After a few minutes Salem hopped onto the couch with Zander and curled up into a ball right next him. After what seemed to be 10 minutes, the clock now read 1:30am.
"I should probably sleep now, I need to work on the regional auditions with that self centered jerk." Zander sighed as he shut off his laptop. Sleepily Zander walked to his room and flopped onto his bed. Quickly falling asleep. Zander woke up at 7:30am to his doorbell ringing. He trudged to the door only to find Hailey standing there.

"Your here early.." Zander muttered
"So you could have your coffee Alex." Hailey responded as she walked inside.
"I told you not to call me that.." Zander sighed.
"Fine Alexander." Hailey teased.
"Don't call me that either." He deadpanned as he prepared coffee.
Hailey was on the couch with Salem in her lap receiving all the attention she craved. Zander poured the coffee into a plain black mug and took a seat next to Hailey, making Salem move into Zander's lap.
"You know I bet you and Jake are going to be really good friends after regionals." Hailey added.
"Where'd that come from?" Zander questioned.
"Just a feeling." Hailey said vaguely.
After a few minutes Zander finished his coffee and placed it in the sink.
"I'll go change then we can head to the studio." Zander grumbled as he walked to his room.


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