chapter 1

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A Dance! Jander AU
"What's up with you Zander?" Hailey questioned as they walked through Clozy Dance Studios glass doors.
"I didn't have my coffee." Zander deadpanned and Hailey rolled her eyes in response.
Zander stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted Jake talking to the lady at the front desk. He soon spotted the step siblings and a smug smirk was on his face.
"Morning Zander and Hailey." He teased the smug smirk growing wider.
Hailey smiled warmly.
"Morning Jake." She greeted Jake.
Zander's face just turned into a scowl as he walked to the front desk.
"What's his deal?" Jake scoffed.
"I guess he still doesn't trust you." Hailey sighed.
Zander slightly jumped as someone touched his shoulder and to his relief it was only Luke.
"What's up with you? You're not normally this grumpy." Luke asked.
"I didn't have my coffee." Grumbled Zander.
"Let's get you some coffee." Luke said as he dragged Zander to the coffee to the nearby café. Daisy skipped past Jake and Hailey her hair tied into a loose ponytail.
Daisy is known for her fluid movements in dance and how she mainly specialized in contemporary dance.
"Well, I need to get dancing with Milly." Hailey added as she walked towards one of the rooms. Hailey walked in to find Milly sitting on the floor listening to music and Hailey came over and tapped Milly's shoulder.
"Oh! Hey Hailey!" Milly blurted out in her usual cheery tone.
"Should we get dancing?" Hailey asked as Milly sat up happily.
"Sure just let me find the song!" Milly answered as she searched up the song.
Milly connected her phone to the speaker and the sing began to play. Their feet slid across the smooth wood floor, their movements slow and slowly beginning to pick up pace as the song neared the chorus. They finally reached the chorus their movements growing sharp and fast and eventually they slowed to a sharp stop
redemption never came
Milly wipes her forehead and gives Hailey a wide grin.
"We've made a lot of progress!" Milly added happily.
"Now we just need to figure out the rest." Hailey sighed.
Zander clutched the coffee in his hands as he walked back to the dance studio with Luke.
"You owe me now." Luke said as they walked through the studio's glass doors.
Zander nodded as he walked to a room only to find Jake dancing in there.Zander scowled and leaned on the doorframe staring at Jake dancing. It almost seemed hypnotic the way he danced throughout the entire room. Jake halted to a sudden stop and snapped her head to face Zander. Jake crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Need something?" He asked.
Zander's face tinted red in embarrassment and scowled.
"Why are you in this room?" Zander deadpanned.
"I'm always in here?" Jake replied confused.
Zander's eyes widened in realization, he let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Nevermind.." Zander said as he left the room.

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