Chapter 24

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Jander dance! au


Zander shifted a hand forward, letting out a soft hum, "I hate you so much."

"Yeah yeah." Jake chuckled, a hand gently wrapping around the other's pale hand.

"I'll never forget about the time you gave me really bad second hand embarrassment on our wedding day." Zander squinted, feeling Jake's ringed finger.

"You're just mad I won that breakdancing competition."

Letting out a snort, Zander rested his head against Jake's shoulder, "Milly absolutely destroyed you."

"Shhh my ego is fragile." Jake feigned hurt, wiping away invisible tears.

Zander bubbled into a soft laughter, Jake following soon after. Lilac eyes landed on a smooth gold trophy, adorned with a sapphire blue ribbon with a matching rose. A memory that would've detested him years ago. Imagine that, winning a competition with your rival, only to end up in a romantic relationship.

Jake peered out the window, burnt oranges pooling through the glass, landing onto Zander's face, illuminating each feature, he looked beautiful. He always did

"You're cooking tonight."


I do suppose they really did take the phrase 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer' a little too literally.


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