Chapter 16

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A Jander! Dance AU
Chapter 16 =

Zander's POV

As usual I met Jake at the dance studios to practice our dance. Except this time, Jake was there earlier and practicing, he was deep in concentration as he danced around the room his movements fluid like water while occasionally tensing up becoming almost robotic. How long as he been practicing this dance? Jake stops before looking up at me with a grin and stars in his eyes.
"How was it!?" Jake exclaimed as made his way over to me, grabbing my hands and locking eye contact.
"I've been practicing a lot!" Jake added with an even wider grin.
"Alright I suppose." I deadpanned while breaking eye contact.
Jake slightly pouted before speaking up "Anyways let's work on the dance." He walked off and replayed the music.
"Come on" Jake huffed as I made my way over to him.
The song began then me and Jake started dancing, it was the same choreography, we seemed different but a good type of different. Maybe it was all the events of Daisy and that day at the park? I guess Jake isn't that bad after all. We both halted to stop and Jake looked up with a soft smile and I couldn't help but smile back.
"We've improved a lot!" Jake said happily.
"Yep." I hummed in response as I took a sip of water.
"At this rate we'll definitely get into regionals!" Jake boasted.
"Don't get too confident." I replied.
Jake sighed as he took a sip of water.
"You know the cafe has a new drink there, wanna try it out later?" Jake asked.
"What is the drink?" I questioned Jake.
"This strawberry boba drink." He said as he stared at a wall.
"Sure,I guess i'll try it with you." I muttered in response.
"Really?" Jake said in a slightly confused tone.
"Yeah, let's just practice a bit more." I replied to Jake as I stood up, with Jake following me.
**after 2 hours**
Me and Jake walked into the coffee shop, we walked up to the counter to be greeted by a boy with round glasses and pink hair with a flower crown.
"Hello, how may I help you?" He asked and I looked to his nametag and it read : Elliot.
"2 Strawberry Bobas please." Jake responded.
"I'm afraid we can only make one, are you two okay with sharing?" Elliot sighed with an awkward smile.
"That's fine." I spoke up.
"Alrighty, just take a seat and your order will be here soon." Hummed Elliot as began making the drink.
Me and Jake took a seat at a table in the corner, a crimson red rose was placed in a transparent vase.
After a few minutes a waitress walked over and handed us the drink. The drink was a soft pink, with strawberry sauce dripping on the sides, the boba pearls looked like small hearts, whipped cream on the top with a strawberry slice on the rim of the glass.
"Enjoy!" The waitress chirped up before walking off.
Jake excitedly took off the strawberry slice from the rim and happily stuffed it in his mouth.
"Hey I wanted that" I accused in a teasing voice.
Jake scoffed before taking a sip of the drink, getting whipped cream on his mouth.
"Hey you have whipped cream on your face." I mumbled as I leaned towards Jake to remove the whipped cream from his mouth with a napkin.
Is that a light pink tint to his cheeks?
"Use the straw, you dimwit." I scoffed as I leaned back into the chair and took a sip of the drink with the straw.
Jake chuckled lightly before taking a sip of the drink, while I was still drinking it, our noses were almost touching as we gazed into each other's eyes.


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