Chapter 17

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A Jander Dance AU!
Chapter 17 =

Zander's POV
(Day of auditions)

Today's the day. Today's the day of auditions. Normally I'd be calm and collected but I was pacing around my room in a slight panic.
"Did we practice enough?"
"What if Jake trips on his shoe lace and breaks his neck!?"
"What if-"
"God you should really calm down." A voice cut me off.
"Hey- what?" I blurted out.
"Oh it's just you Hailey." I sighed as Salem hopped into Hailey's arms.
"You shouldn't panic, you're more likely to mess up that way." Muttered Hailey as she made her way over to the couch with Salem still in her arms.
"Yeah I suppose." I groaned as I took a bite of toast.
"Hurry up so we can head to the studio." Hailey said as she stroked Salem.
"Yeah yeah, i'm almost done." I mumbled as I placed the plate in the sink.
I quickly fed Salem her food and grabbed my keys.
"Come on let's go." I called out to Hailey.
Hailey stood up and walked out the door with me.

Jake's POV

I was panicking and pacing around the dance room, trying to massage my temples as an attempt to calm myself, although it didn't help at all. The door opened to reveal Zander standing there with his hair messier than usual. He actually looked kind of better like this, my cheeks turned red at the thought and I stopped pacing to look Zander in the eyes.
Zander took a deep breath and walked over to me. "Today the only thing on your mind will be dancing and winning regionals."
He was now gripping my shoulders tightly as he glared at me.
"I'll be fine, i'm over Daisy anyways." I chuckle lightly.
"Good, now let's practice and please tie your shoelaces." Zander sighed.
"Why, scared I'll trip on them, is Zander worried?" I snickered.
"I don't want you ruining our chances for regionals." Deadpanned Zander.
I just nodded as I carefully removed his hands from my shoulders to connect my phone to the speaker. I quickly hit the play button and walked over to Zander. Soon the music picked up pace and so did our movements. Compared to when we first started the dance we weren't as synchronized, we were just doing the same dance instead of dancing with each other. Now we're finally dancing with each other, maybe Zander has learnt i'm not so bad after all. As the music stopped me and Zander stopped as well.
"We've definitely improved!" Zander exclaimed as a wide grin pulled at his lips, it was one of the most adorable smiles I had ever seen.
"Yep." I said as I took a sip of water.
"We should head to the audition room now." Zander added and I nodded in response before following him out of the room. We walked into the room to be greeted by Mrs.Rosy's usual cheery voice. "Hello, come in and take a seat on the floor!"
We both walked in and took a seat on the smooth wood floor.
"First we have Daisy and Hailey!" Mrs.Rosy hummed happily as she walked over to her laptop.
Daisy and Hailey gave each other a slight nod before walking up to the front.
After what roughly half an hour it was finally me and Zander's turn to dance.
"Let's hope you two haven't been slacking off." Mrs.Rosy muttered under her breath as she hit the play button.
As the music started, I started moving, getting lost in the dance. It felt so natural just to be doing this duet with Zander. I felt his hands grab mine, let's hope this doesn't fail. Zander brings me into a dip before letting go and letting me fall to the ground but it doesn't bother me. I bring myself up and Zander spins me around, locking eye contact before I spin away from him causing us to break eye contact. Soon the music stops to an end and this time I was dipping Zander.
"Wonderful, now please wait until tomorrow when I'll announce who will go to regionals!" Mrs.Rosy said cheerily.

Zander's POV

(Time skip to the next day)

I walked into the auditions room and received a wave from Jake and a Mrs.Rosy usual cheery greeting.
"Now that everyone is here, time to announce who will be proceeding to regionals!" She started.
"We have...."

A/N - How'd this get #1 in jander i-

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