Chapter 9

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A dance! Jander AU
Chapter 9 =

Zander's POV

Jake gave me that stupid sad and pitiful smile again.
"Will stop smiling like that! It's so ad- stupid!" I called out.
Jake chuckled softly.
"Yeah, we should probably work on the dance." Jake added.
"Yeah we should." I muttered.
Jake looked down at his phone, his expression dimming at what he saw.
"What's wrong?" I sighed.
"Sean thinks i'm missing." He mumbled.
"You need to talk to him." I huffed.
"I will, don't worry." He reassured me.
"You better!" I scolded him.
"Let's just work on the dance now." Jake added
We worked on the dance for a while before Jake left to go home and surprisingly we didn't argue.

Third person POV

Jake walks into his apartment only to be greeted by a warm hug from Sean.
Jake chuckled and gave Sean a sheepish smile.
"Hey, it's okay, I just overreacted a little." Jake mentioned sheepishly.
Sean broke away from the hug before sighing.
"So friends?" Sean asked.
"Friends." Jake chuckled.
"You know, where were you last night?" Sean questioned.
"At Zander's house, I stayed the night." Jake responded.
"See I knew you two would be friends." Sean mentioned.
"Not exactly friends, more like acquaintances." Jake added as he took off his shoes.
"Like I said, this competition is making you two closer." Sean bragged.
"Yeah right, I doubt we'll be friends." Jake scoffed.
"Maybe you'll be even closer than that." Sean teased.
Jake rolled his eyes as he collapsed onto the couch taking in the familiar scents of the apartment.

Jake's POV

Our apartment had a special smell to it, kind of like warm tea. It contrasted the smell of Zander's apartment which smelled like jasmine with hints of citrus. It had more of a cold and empty feeling rather than the warm and comforting smell of my apartment.
Wait,why am I thinking about the smell of Zander's apartment?-
I sighed before rolling onto my stomach and burying my face into the pillow.
"Want some cookies?" Sean called out.
I got up from the couch and walk to the kitchen
"When did you make these?" I asked.
"When you were gone, I bake when I'm stressed." Sean mentioned.
I took a bite of the cookie happily.
"You're a really good baker." I added.
"Thanks." Sean said.

Zanders POV

I sat in the café with Luke.
"So how has it been going with Jake?" He asked.
"Alright I suppose." I said dully as I sipped my coffee.
"That's definitely an improvement but you two need to stop arguing like an old married couple." Luke mumbled.
"First Hailey now you?" I groaned.
"Well you two do argue a lot and surprisingly I didn't hear you two argue earlier. Why's that?" Luke asked.
"I don't know, he stayed over at my apartment last night because he got into a fight with his roommate." I added.
"That's definitely an improvement." Luke spoke as he bit into his croissant.
"I guess, I still hate his guts though." I mentioned.
"He isn't as bad as you think." Luke said as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Despite his arrogant nature he's a really nice guy." Luke added.
"He's always going to be a self centered jerk though." I mumbled.


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