☆ Twenty - Six ☆

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Chapter - 26 ●

|| How he feels?... ||

My life was going so beautiful. Beautiful like my wife Shehnaaz. But that drastic day came and everything turns upside-down.

Me and Shehnaaz were celebrating our first ever Anniversary and that accident changed everything.

I never new that, the person I love the most were erased from my memory.

I felt shiver whenever I thought about her tough days, waiting for me. Waiting for when would my memory will came back.

I lost her from my memory. And never felt those feelings that she go through. She lost me, and our child. Our 5 months child in her womb.

What was the feeling she had when I ask my parents..who was she?..

I never new in my wildest dream that I forgot her.

And the worst when I fell for someone else, in front of her. How....isn't she my soulmate?

My subconscious always replied in no...never. She never belongs to me.

But my heart broke. Whenever I think about that.

Arielle is such a nice girl. But, I can't compare Shehnaaz to anyone. She is the only one. 

How big heart she had, she prepared everything for my and Arielle's wedding. I saw her crying that time, but I thought she was emotional. But, I was wrong.

She helps dad mom and our business everything. She is part of our life. We can't think about ourselves without her.

Jay and Mahhi and there daughter were so attached to her. For the very first time, a question raise in my mind about Shehnaaz when Tara call He chachi or something like that on video call.But, why?....

That's the reason o started consulting myself for gaining my memory back.

Why my family is so attached with her? Why she always makes me attracted to her.

I didn't tell anyone about that to anyone. And Arielle was the biggest support to me.

My mind still have the questions if I love Shehnaaz so why I was fell for Arielle. The bed one.

She was never your soul mate, she was just an attachment, a friend to you.....My subconscious always replied that.

That's true we both were bestest friends. We were so attached to each other. We never be in that much physical with each other. We always respect our decision or feelings.

That physical attraction will happen when two people live without each our. It came naturally. And in our case we both fell so gradually, there is no lust between us. Just an pure attraction and why would not, she was the prettiest or can say sexiest person.

Our life change i lost her and my best friend. 

For Six months I didn't find anything until I had an accident. When I got conscious  I found myself in hospital bed. And I girl beside me Crying badly.

For few minutes my find wake up from that first accident with Sana. And I got faint when She kiss me and thanked me to be alive.

I woke up, I don't know after how long. When I found that same girl. A pregnant girl. Her little bump was clearly shown.

She quickly call someone. And I find doctor nurses and behind them Jay.

After checkup, request Jay for a talk. That girl look at me surprised and left out from the room.

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