☆ Thirty - Six ☆

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Chapter - 36 •

|| After a few months.. ||

Sidharth and Shehnaaz started going office together. He also prepared her Cabin next to his with the attached Doorway. He went to her office whenever he feels so. She also scolds him many times but he behaves like a kid every time.

The project with Randhawa's we're already done and Shehnaaz renamed the company to Abhishek. They argued a lot but agreed in last with one condition. She has fifty-one per cent in the company and it's Abhishek's idea. And Rajbeer Ji also agreed.

She was busy with her work when she heard him coming from the attached door.

Baby, I am hungry...... He said while coming without glancing at who is with her.

He saw her secretary Minal with her giggling. He clears his throat.

Minal is anything else.....She said to her Secretary.

No, ma'am... Minal said and left.

Shehnaaz looked toward her husband who is trying to be an innocent cute little boy but he's not. He is an adult who became wild when it comes to their bed.

Isn't I telling you to wait for me..... She said.

Baby... He said.

Sidharth doesn't make this face. I know you very well... She said.

He came near her and held her hand and said...

I am a hungry baby..... And went near her ear and whispered.

Give me food or else I eat you.....

She shivers when he bit her ear and his breath. She always blushes whenever he does that. She pushes him a little and shakes her head.

Come.....She said and asked him to come to the sofa where she opens the lunch boxes.

Mumm...... He moaned while eating the food.

How you make those simple bhindi in this tasty bhindi.....He said.

She laughs because he always behaves like that whenever she cooks for him. He loves his handmade food.

Sidharth I am tired and want to go home early..... She said.

What happens, baby. Are you feeling sick... He said and check the fever by touching her forehead with the back of his hand.

No, I am fine just a little tired...... She said taking his hand in hers.

He smiled and nodded.

Ok, send me a text when you reach... He said and kiss her forehead.

Shehnaaz left the office after having lunch with him. She knows if she is not with him he always skips meals. That's why she waits till lunch.

After reaching home she firstly texted him. And he quickly replied to her back.

Sana, you came early today... Maa asked.

Yes, maa not feeling good. So came for rest... She said.

Should I call the doctor bachha... Maa asked.

No Maa, I'll be alright after taking a good sleep.....She said.

Ok so go and take a good rest... Maa said and left.

She left her room. And after changing clothes she lay on the bed.

After two hours she felt uneasy and runs to the bathroom quickly. After throwing out she washes her face and does a brush.

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