☆ Seventeen ☆

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Chapter - 17

Getting attached with anyone is good, but when that attachment started giving you wounds became bad for you.

Shehnaaz past and her present is hit her last night when she saw him again after these years. Her mind started recalling the past again and again.


Sitting in the classroom she was busy with her Friend juhi. She is her only friend. There is many students in the class but she was little shy regarding that.

Just I am so scared. I hope you became my partner In project..... She said.

Sana in first year teacher gave us free will to choose ourselves or partner. But this year I don't think so......Just said with a frown because she also want jer bestie with her.

Yes I know thats why I am thinking.... She said.

There talk interrupted when professor came in with one student who have a boxe in his hand.

Good morning sir.... Students said.

Good morning to all..... he said and nods and instructed to that student to put that boxe on the table and left.

So everyone is ready for the project and project partners...... He said and everyone nods with loud "yes" in the room.

Hmm..... hear i put a box with full of numbers with half of your counter and written in twice. Everyone came one by one, when I call you by attendance and pick one of the chitt. ......

And open it in front of me so I can write your name by your no side. Which two have the same no. Chitt became partner. As simple as that......

And rule no. One is no changing of your parents. This year's project marks will add on final year marks and if k found any of you change the partner, will automatically deduct there marks...... Professor said.

Everyone chripped because was like blackmailing to them. Shrugging their thats they went one by one to professor and pic the chitt.

Shehnaaz and Sidharth are came back to back by roll no or alphabetical. First Shehnaaz go and pick her chitt. She tells her no. To professor and left because nobody picks that no. Yet.

Sidharth came next and picks the no. And tell the professor. Professor ask him to call that in class.

It's 13..... He said loudly.

Shehnaaz whines when she hear that no. She hesitantly stand. And tells her no is 13......Sidharth a nod to her and professor did his work which was he doing from half an hour.

Everyone settled down with there partners and professor gives them topics.

During all that time Shehnaaz didn't utter a word. She felt fizzy. And thinking how she work with him. Stud if the college. She didn't even know how good in his studies.

Hey..... I am Sidharth. ..... She said and forward his hand.

Amm... hi... I am Shehnaaz..... She said and shakes hands with him.

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