☆ Fourty ☆

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Chapter - 40 •

|| Blessed With.... ||

Nine Months, we completed our nine-month journey. This morning Shehnaaz go there for her labour pain and I quickly took her to the hospital, Preeti and Mom are coming with our stuff which we prepare for the hospital.

She is already in there and the doctors didn't say anything. I am so nervous and I can feel my anxiety is peeking up.

"Doctor, how is she?," ... I ask the doctor a tenth of the time.

"Mr Sukla, she's in labour and it took time for the final time,"... She said I nodded.

"Sidharth, she'll be fine. It's normal,"... Preeti said and try to make him understand the women's situation.

" But, Di,"... He tries to say something but mom cut him in between,

"Sidharth, it's normal to have labour pain and this may take more time. For now, relax and went to her. She feels good seeing you,".... Mom said.

Sidharth nodded and was about to go when Preeti said,

"Just be quiet in front of her, her pain may cause you a little,  no big problems, right now she is in her devil mode,".... Saying that she chuckles seeing his face.

It's true that during labour pain women can bite anything because they are going there a lot of pain that no one can imagine. It's worse than anything.

He went inside her room and saw her lying with closed eyes. He can see those tears. He went near her,

" Hey! Don't cry Jaan,"... He said and kiss her forehead.

She opened her eyes and smiled and seeing him sad she again started sobbing.

"Jaan, please don't cry,"... He calms her down.

She didn't say a word. But the tears were constantly coming. It's been 4 hours since we came here. Doctors are waiting for normal delivery, cessation is not good for her.

I can see her whimpers. That is the reason I ask Preeti to stay with her for a while. This is the time I need to smoke.

"God!!,"... I curse because I can't, she'll kick my ass if I do that and my thoughts were broken by the call of Preeti.

"Yes, Preeti Di,"...

"Sidharth, it's time come fast," ... She said and cut the call.

When I heard di, I got stuck for a moment but instantly I ran to her room. Preeti Di met me in between and told me that she was in the labour room. I went there and a nurse came out asking for me.

He took me to clean first because it's not safe for her and the baby. I did what the nurse said and went into the labour room.

I saw Shehnaaz, she was screaming her life out. I can't even imagine the pain she's going through.

"Baby, yes! PUSH! PUSH!"... I cheer her up.

" Ahhaaaa... Siddhartha,".... She cries out.

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