☆ Thirteen ☆

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• Chapter - 13 •

||  Life change in seconds..... ||

Shehnaaz and Rajbeer ji went to Mumbai for work and Parmit ji also go with then to meet her NGO People and d some work.

Reaching hotel they went to their rooms. Shehnaaz came and knock the door off mom's room.

Mom, I am feeling hungry.....She said.

They chuckles and said...

Let's go.....

They all went to dinning hall. And set on the table.

What will you to have sir..... Waiter asked.

Dad let's order proper food.... She said and he nods.

Rajbeer ji ordered food and waiter took the orders and left.

They chitchatted and then mom said...

So when will you are going.....

We will leave in a hour mom and you I'll call the car for you..... She said and agreed.

I will also leaving you and when you both will done just call me..... Mom said and they nod.

After attending meetings they rest for few minutes in lounge of hotel after calling Parmit ji.

Dad what do you think about that project.....She said.

It's seems nice, but I have to the main project handler..... Dad said.

Yeah you are right. I also think about that, even i like the way handle firstly the government issue and also secure the place for the people whom already lives their. Even I don't like when those migrant who live their faces some problems...... She said as a concern.

Hmm... I know the owners father. He is my friend from college. But we lost him few years a go..... Dad said.

She nods when she heard a call from mom.

Hello, yes mom we are waiting..... She said.

Sweetheart me and my friend are waiting for you both. Just came to the location i send it to you.....Mom said.

Ok mom we are coming..... She said.

What's happening.....Dad asked.

Mom calling us to this location called...Sabarmati Ashram....She tells dad.

( I just write that Ashram name. I literally have no idea about that. It's just came to my mind. )

You mom and her ways.... She chuckles ands they left for the location sharing with the driver.

These five years are not so blissfull for and  family. Her life change.

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