☆ Eighteen ☆

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  ● Chapter - 18 ●

Sidharth try to avoiding the conversation with his di. Preeti tries her best to know
About his past and there friendship.

But he is best to hide his emotions. Rita ji see something fishy in between siblings. She didn't interfere in there business and shrug her thoughts.

He went to his office and started working. After few hours and meetings. He take a coffee break for a while. One of peon take coffee for him and left.

His mind was fill with his and her college memories. The last encounter. He close his eyes and lay back on his chair.


First year of college. I decided First thing, I am not going to be in a relationship. I want to name my dad's name.

He inspired me a lot. He left us alone. I don't know why he never told us about his problems. Problems related to business. After him mom and us we face many problems but thanks to di jiju and mom, they handle things, but I know our business was not going good.

Thats why I only have to focus in studies and with this I have to prepare for scholarship programs from different universities out of India.

Sitting in class I find girls staring at me, but boys was staring at me i don't know. Shrugging my thoughts I started reading my left book.

I saw a entering in the class. Seeing her I felt something, this was the first time I was starting a girl and not only me, all the boys.

She is the only girl who didn't saw me or any other guy. I started smiling, but I don't know why.

Everyday I saw her, but secretly. I really want to talk to her, seeing her seems like she don't like talk to boys.

Her only friend was a girl called Juhi.. I thought.

Whole year pass, whole but she didn't talk to any guy. I finds her grades was so great to.

And in next year final project came. What I said. Luckily or thankfully she became my partner.

In starting she was so shy. She tried to avoid studying together. But I convinced her.
Soon our project go great and we had first place.

Slowly slowly we became friends and then best friends.  I literally can't live without talking her or sharing my day.

She understands me my mother and sister, but I don't take her as sister. She's my best friend.

Truly to say I like her a lot more then a friend. But I can't share.

One day I lost my control and lost in her. And do that, that I don't want to. I don't want to break her heart.

She is so important to me. Her tears and smile meant to me a lot. Sometimes I think more than a friend.

After that day I decided to ask her to be friends or share this. Not because of I or her have physical need. Whenever we done that its from both side, or I can say we just lost in each other. I know my feelings for her, but I didn't confirmed about her. But I sometimes I can saw in her eyes. And thats why I never initiate or gave her any hint about my feelings.

And I don't want to break or relationship of our friendship. I already lost my dad. And I don't want to lose her. This is the reason I always skip those topic related to love from her side.

Last month of our college I find her behavior, many times she just low. No energy nothing like herself. I know she thinks that how we connected after our college. She asked me where i am goito internship so she can also apply there.

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