☆ Thirty - Seven ☆

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Chapter - 37 •

|| Blessings... ||

Sidharth took Shehnaaz to the hospital the next sunrise. They were so happy and didn't tell anyone about the pregnancy.  She wants to be clear about that and she asks him for it till the hospital reports came out.

After examination, they went to work. Sidharth asks her not to come to the office but he agreed on last.

Baby how are doing..... He asks the 10th time after coming to the office.

Sidharth I am fine. To complete your work baby. We have to leave early remember... She said.

Fine..... He said and left not before giving her a forehead kiss the 10th time. She chuckles at his behaviour.

He got busy back to back meetings. So does she but as per his order, she is not allowed to take an extra load of work on her head.

She's not well for a few days and now she's even pregnant. She has her lunch without him today because he is busy in meetings and he also asks her to do without him.

After meetings, he directly headed to her cabin. She was waiting for him. Her work got completed a little early.

Let's go, baby.....He said reaching into her cabin.

Okay... She said and pick her handbag and mobile phone.

You don't need anything from your cabin... She asks while walking towards the door.

No, I already have it... He said withholding her hand in his.

She smiles and they went to the entrance where their car was waiting.

He opens the passenger side gate for her and she settled down.

Sidharth also set in the driver's seat and first, he did her seat belt and kisses her forehead twice.

He didn't do that the first time. He always does that. She smiled and kiss his cheek too.

Wearing his seat belt her drives towards the hospital for taking the reports and meeting with the doctor.

Shehnaaz was so nervous about the reports. She continuously thinks...

What if reports came out negative...

He holds her hand and gave a tight squeeze. And said...

Don't worry baby. Anything will come in the reports we won't be sad okay..... He said.

She nods and smiled. He knows her very well. Still, she's worried. But how can he say that he's also nervous?

They reached the hospital and went to the doctor's chamber. The nurse already informed the doctor and they went inside the chamber after knocking.

They greet the doctor and wait for the nurse who went to take Sana's report.

May I come in, ma'am... The nurse came in and handles the reports to the doctor and went out.

The doctor checks the report and a few additional things to which she said to add in her testing after checking her in the morning.

Everything is fine and congratulations Mr And Mrs Shukla. She's pregnant... The doctor said with a humble smile.

They didn't say anything because they were in shock. Shehnaaz started sobbing. After a few minutes, he said...

Thank you so much, doctor...

Thank you, doctor... She said between her sobs.

The doctor smiles and said...

Well, congratulations. But I recommend a few more tests too... The doctor said and they nod.

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