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[Monster Hunting]

Banging on the front door woke Abbacchio up, the male slowly blinking his eyes open to find the dark green sweatshirt that (Y/n) was wearing and an arm holding him close. His head was using his chest as a pillow, (Y/n) having moved sometime during the night and was now laying on the bed beside Leone. He hesitantly looked up to where the other's head was and found (Y/n) sleeping peacefully with a few strands of hair hanging over his forehead, his eyebrows punched together as he frowned at something he was dreaming about.

Leone shook his head and left him alone, gently pulling the arm off of his shoulders while he sat up on his bed and rubbed his face to get rid of the sleep that was still hanging over him. He heard another round of knocking on the front door and his eyes widened when he remembered that Bucciarati would be coming over to discuss what happened yesterday, his hand ripping the blanket off of him and getting off the bed to go answer the door. He ignored the cold floors as he stopped at the front door, opening it and finding Bruno standing on the other side with an irritated expression.

"I've been waiting out here for almost an hour," The short haired teen remarked while looking over the appearance of Abbacchio, raising a brow at his disheveled appearance. "I didn't think you two'd been up that late last night." Leone narrowed his eyes as he opened the door wider for Bruno to walk inside and rolled his eyes at him, closing it once he entered.

Abbacchio headed back to his bedroom where (Y/n) was sleeping, Bruno following after he took his shoes off, and stood over the teen. "I think you've got the wrong idea." Leone responded as he opened the door to reveal the sleeping (Y/n) in his bed. He was still laying on his back but the arm that used to be holding Leone was now resting on his stomach, the other by his head as the blanket barely covered his legs from Abbacchio rushing out of the room. Bruno chuckled at the sight of the male sleeping and walked over to where the white haired teen was standing, taking off his bag before sitting on the bed next to (Y/n).

Bruno placed his hand on the unconscious (L/n)'s shoulder and lightly shook him, a small smile on his face when (e/c) eyes appeared from under blinking eyelids. "It's time to get up, we have a lot to talk about." Bruno insisted while (Y/n) looked at the blurry image of him and Abbacchio, finding the two looking down at him.

He lifted a hand to rub his eyes as he pushed himself to sit up, Bruno moving out of the way for him, "Bruno? What're you doing here?" (Y/n) asked groggily and he caught the amused look that flashed across the black haired teen's face, "Don't answer that." He mumbled then swung his legs out from under the blanket and stood up, stumbling but catching himself.

Leone wondered how he looked to peaceful when he was sleeping but turned into the exact opposite when he was awake, the guy was practically a child in the morning. Whatever, Bruno could take care of him. "Could you hurry up and wake your dumbass up? We got stuff to do." He grumbled before walking out of the room to get something to eat, leaving (Y/n) to raise a brow at his behavior and Bruno to sigh at how ignorant the other always was.

"Just when I thought we made some progress." (Y/n) muttered to himself, remembering the talk about nightmares last night and how Abbacchio fell asleep on him. He really thought he was warming up to him but he must've read the room wrong, something that tended to happen more than he'd like. Bruno glanced at him from the corner of his eye and frowned, did something actually happen between the two of them last night?

(Y/n) turned to Bruno and smiled at him, Bruno's chest tightening, "At least you're not like that." He commented as he fixed his shirt and his hair, a small blush coating his cheeks as Leone's question from last night resurfaced in his mind. He looked at Bruno while the male was busy checking his bag to see if everything was in there, a troubled expression on his face as he thought about it.

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