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[Anyone Out There]

The floor was cold when he woke up, his hand that was resting on the wooden floorboards feeling the chill as he blinked himself awake. Bruno looked around him, finding himself on the floor with a blanket draped over his body in an empty room that appeared to be Abbacchio's. He remembered coming here last night and asking the teen if he could stay, telling him that him and his parents were on the best of terms at the moment, before Leone let him in and they stayed in his room for most of the night.

Bruno smiled to himself as he thought back to it, them hanging out together almost felt like they were friends again, it was nice. He sat up on the floor and let the blanket slip off him, resting on his legs while he ran his hands through his black hair to fix it back into its usual style.

"Just tell him I'm not home!" The sound of Abbacchio's voice made Bruno flinch, the sudden loudness filling the room as he opened the bedroom door. The white haired teen sighed before he noticed that Bruno was staring up at him with a curious gaze, all signs of sleep gone. "Oh, you're up early." He commented and closed the door behind him with his back then walked over to his bed to sit down on it.

In his hands were two mugs, one of them being offered to Bruno and he accepted it with a quiet 'thank you' before he took a sip from it. "(Y/n) keeps calling, saying something about a private investigator and Catherine." Leone informed while setting his cup on his side table and laying down on the bed, glaring up at the ceiling. "My mom keeps telling me to talk to him but she's blinded by his good looks and smooth talking." He just couldn't leave them alone, he didn't even want to apologize, he wanted them to drop everything and believe what he's telling them.

Bruno rose a brow at the mention of a private investigator and his fingers rubbed the sides of the ceramic cup in his hands. It didn't sound like something that (Y/n) would say, why would there be a need for a private investigator and what would it have to do with Catherine? "That sounds strange." He remarked and placed his coffee on the floor beside him when he was done drinking it, Leone shaking his head upon seeing the look Bruno had on his face.

He was too caring, especially towards (Y/n) who acted like a dick and lied to him. "Don't tell me you're concerned about him." Abbacchio scoffed as he watched the other male look down at his hands, a small frown on his face that made Abbacchio sigh before he turned away. "He not only lied to you but left us at a party when we were drunk. He needs to see that you aren't going to stay with him if he acts like that."

Bruno pushed himself to stand up then moved to look out the window that Leone had in his bedroom, seeing all the trees with barely any leaves on them due to the changing seasons and the dying leaves on the ground. Abbacchio hated (Y/n) when they first met, which was understandable because he only knew the one that liked to bully others who were lower than him. But once he realized that he wasn't like that anymore, he tolerated him and quite possibly could've became friends with him had he not ignored them after the hospital.

He believed that Abbacchio was using this as an excuse to distance himself from (Y/n), he wanted to be friends with the two of them but was scared of telling them about himself. He didn't want pity because he already got enough of that from the people at school, he just wanted friends and (Y/n) and Bruno were willing to be them.

"He left us the car to drive home, he wasn't that ignorant." Bruno countered and Abbacchio pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, noticing that the argument was going nowhere. It was either they continue and Bruno would eventually leave to see (Y/n) himself or, as much as Leone didn't want to, he'd give up and agree to meet with (Y/n). "He isn't that bad, Abbacchio, he just messed up and we all realize that. Even him." Bruno insisted and Abbacchio scowled while crossing his arms, nodding his head.

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