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Abbacchio glared at the familiar head of (Y/n) (L/n) as he walked into the gym, the usual green and yellow school gym shorts that went to mid thigh and white shirt that easily became drenched in sweat. Diavolo wasn't here and Leone was glad because he didn't think he'd be able to handle those two today.

(Y/n) ran a hand through his hair while sighing, heading for the teacher only to be told that he'd be on the shirts team. He nodded before scanning over the teens playing the game of basketball, his eyes landing on a pissed looking Leone Abbacchio who was staring at him. The white haired male glowered at him, turning his nose up at him before jogging to catch up with his teammates.

Bruno must've found him last night and told him everything, he really hoped that he was okay and got home alright. If he didn't then it would be his fault and all because he lost his cool over a tiny little drink spill, Bruno was drunk and didn't deserve to be left alone there.

(Y/n) joined the other boys, passing the ball when he needed to and making a shot when he could. It was easier without that asshole Diavolo here to shove him around and win the game with little to no effort. Even Abbacchio didn't stoop to pushing people and he was the one who hated everybody in the school.

Speaking of Abbacchio again, he was on the same team as him and avoiding him as much as he could. Every time he'd quietly call his name, the white haired teen would pretend to not hear him but he seen how he'd clench his fists. They were just starting to become friends again too, not the same as last year but close to where he'd not ignore him all of the time.

"Abbacchio!" (Y/n) called while reaching forward to grab the male's shoulder, flinching when it got slapped away by him. Leone turned around and glared at him, an annoyed expression on his face. "I know I was an asshole but could you stop ignoring me?" (Y/n) rubbed the skin on his hand that hurt from being hit, watching as Abbacchio shook his head in disbelief.

Leone scoffed and looked at (Y/n) for a moment, finding that he was in fact hurt by him not talking to him, before turning away from him. "Apologize to Bruno first, maybe then I'll consider it." He muttered and (Y/n) pursed his lips as he stared at Abbacchio's shirt covered back while he felt himself grow heavy with dread.

Was Bruno mad at him? He wouldn't blame him if he was, he pulled a dick move and left him at a party without any way of getting home except for Abbacchio if he was sober enough to drive. Was Bruno going to drop him and stop being his friend? If he did, that meant Abbacchio would also stop talking to him and he'd be left alone for the rest of high school.

Bruno was the only person cheering him on, his parents just pressured him to graduate so they could try and force him into a college or university. Bruno cared about him, he helped him with Catherine and stuck with him even when they were going to be killed by a creature from another dimension.

The gym door slowly opening made everyone turn to the noise, the worried blue eyes of Bruno Bucciarati connecting with (Y/n)'s guilty ones. Bruno walked into the gym and started towards the teen who stood still in the middle of the court, his footsteps coming to a stop in front of him. (Y/n) silently looked at him, not knowing where to begin on what he wanted to say, while Bruno tried to keep his own guilt pushed down.

"Is it alright if we talk outside?" Bruno asked, his hands gripping the strap of his bag while (Y/n) quickly nodded and headed for the door that led outside. Abbacchio watched them leave with a blank face, catching Bruno's eye when he passed him and forced himself to look away upon seeing Bruno's small smile of reassurance.

(Y/n) shivered as the cold air hit his sweaty skin, cooling him down while he stepped out into the alleyway. Bruno let the door shut behind him and went to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the other male, (Y/n) leaning against the brick wall of the school. "I'm so sorry about what happened last night, Bruno." (Y/n) apologized with guilt clear in his voice, Bruno's eyes examining him as he frowned. "I didn't mean to get drunk and I should've ran back there but I didn't. I messed up a lot."

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