Declerations of War

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"*pant* *pant* *pant*"

Ochako is on her knees trying to catch her breath as I lift myself into the air for a jump to land a punch as she is still catching her breath. My fist nears her face as it's suddenly blocked, Ochako caught my fist perfectly, as she looks up and a faint silver glow shines for half a second before returning to her original brown irises. A normal person might not have caught it, but I did. I smirked in pride.

"You've progressed far, you're already nearing the level, however..." I say as I force myself through her guard and punch her face so hard the wind picks up 3 seconds after the impact and she goes flying a half a mile away and lands roughly on the sand of the beach, barely conscious as I appear right in front of her. "It's not good enough."

You see that... is what is called a lie. It's more than good enough but the point of this training is to overcome all odds and push past your limit. Which she will not do if she feels she's doing well already.

"No..." She shakily said as I rose an eyebrow. She slowly looks up, fighting unconsciousness. "I'll do this.... I will succeed." She said as she disappears and reappears behind me so fast she could teleport and it wouldn't be as fast. She goes for a power filled punch, as a light shade of sliver glows through her eyes. She is about to land the punch, when I caught it, without even looking behind me as she slowly faints out of exhaustion, before she falls I caught her and pick her up bridal style. I look down at her tired face and smirk with extra pride.

"She's progressed even further, she has somewhat the power of Instincts, yet lacks the full power and control to complete it. Such a feat would be impossible for the normal person." I recite as I kiss her cheek. "You are amazing, inside and out." I say as I give her enough energy to heal her and fly back to her house.

The next day I decided to walk to school with Ochako, before I take her to a nearby alleyway.

"What is it Deku?" She asked me.

"Take your shirt off." I reply without knowing how I sounded.

"D-Deku! I never thought you'd be that kind of person!" She replies with red cheeks and covering her chest.

I tilt my head in confusion and then facepalm.

"I meant your weighted clothes..." I reply while dragging my hand to trace the bridge of my nose.

Her face turns red out of embarrassment.

"I uh.... I'm so sorry I misjudged you!" She said while bowing repeatedly.

I chuckle and place my hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine, I'm not mad." I reply while smiling.

She smiles too and kisses me.

"It's just..." She begins while putting her head down in embarrassment. "I actually want you to see me like that, just not now, so I got a little surprised." She said explained as her face turned crimson.

I chuckle lightly.

"Don't worry about it, I'd never impose on your privacy." I assure her. "I'm glad you trust and care about me with that stuff, especially due to my rough childhood." I explain whole grimacing at the memory.

"About that..." She began. "What exactly happened to make you so touchy about your childhood." She genuinely asks.

I'm a bit hesitant to explain, but she is my girlfriend and student, I have to tell her.

"I was first diagnosed quirkless. The doctors confirmed it, but the analysis was wrong. I just wasn't capable of activating it at will and even if I was, my body wasn't compatible, which is why I nearly died when I first used it." I explain as her eyes widened. "Because if this I was bullied by everyone, teachers and students alike. I was known as the "wannabe hero" due to my strong values. I would get jumped every other day by new people, but the one that was always there, was Bakugo." I explain as she grits her teeth and growls. She never did like Bakugo, but this seemed to have deepened the hatred. "Sometimes the they would do it in front of teachers, they wouldn't even bat an eye. There was one time that a bunch of people ganged up and used their quirks on me, I was beaten so bad that I almost died." I explains as a tear drops from her eye, but I quickly wipe it off. "If not for an adult passing by, I would've died for sure. Me being me, tried to turn this into a positive and call it endurance training. Of course, I subconsciously used my energy to heal myself. Which is why I never went to the hospital. I was slowly getting more and more depressed, I would never show it though, I would continue with my dream and hope it would stop, but it never did."

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