Hero Killer

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"Don't you worry Iida, I'm going to save you!" I yell out in confidence.

I wasn't stupid. While I may be physically stronger, Stain was a veteran while I was a novice. It would take more than just me to defeat him. I use my phone hidden behind my back and send my location.

"As I said before, you aren't my target." He started. "But if you continue to get in my way, then so be it, die!"

The hero killer lunged forward to attack me, I manged to dodge under a blade that came way to close to decapitating me.

I've gotta be careful. Deku wouldn't like it if I ended up headless.

I turn to see that he rebounded and is going straight at me once again, I flick my fingers at him to knock him off balance. It works  and I managed to hit him with one air bullet to send him back a little. I use this opportunity to rush at him quickly. He instinctively swings a blade that once again almost hits me, but I'm able to jump over it and land a solid punch to the face which knocks him into a wall.

I look at my own fist.

That was too close. He nearly got me again, I have to be more careful. I can't even use 25% here or the surrounding area will feel the effects as well. I need to limit myself to about 15%. EVen then, will I be fast enough? He's really fast and has sharper instincts. No wonder Deku wanted me to fight him.

I look up to see him wiping blood off of his mouth.

"I need to be careful of you, too many of those and it would not be good for me. Oh well, I deal with you so I can get back to purging those two fakes." He said.

"No way! I won't let you! I'll stop you here, even if it's the last thing I do!" I shouted back.

"Uraraka no! This is my fight, just stay out of it! It's my job to bring that criminal to justice! This doesn't concern you." Iida said from the ground.

"I don't wanna hear any of that! If this is your fight, then why are you on the ground?! Besides, it's a true hero's nature to meddle where they're not needed." I reply.

"Such conviction...." I hear Stain say. "Yes, yes. That is a true hero's nature, I wonder, if you are a true hero, or just another fake."

He lunges at me and swings his sword. I dodge again and go for an attack, he gets under my guard and goes for an attack straight to jaw with the hilt of his sword which connects. He then hits my stomach with the hilt of his sword once again. I get sent back a little and spit out a little blood.

He's really tough. Maybe I can use-


"The fact of the matter is, without your gravity quirk, you wouldn't have even put up a challenge to Izuku."

(Flashback End)

No. I can't use Gravity Manipulation here. I need to get stronger with OFA. I can use them in conjunction, once  I get stronger, but for now, I have to do this with OFA.

I look up at the Hero Killer once more.

Maybe I can use his style.

I charge up OFA and start bouncing off the walls with incredible speed to confuse him. I attack continuously with repeated attacks that  continue to badly affect him. I go for the final attack when suddenly all movement in my body stops. My body feels like it's frozen in ice, like I was paralyzed.

"Those quick attacks were weaker than your full out attacks. This allowed me to buy time, and now you're done. If it's any consolation, those quick attacks still hurt a lot." The hero killer said as he began walking towards Iida. "Sorry, but it's over now."

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