Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle

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Deku POV

I stand there basking in the excitement of my super awesome and super flashy win as I hear running and slight panting behind me.

"Deku!" Ochako said as she takes a breath and runs up to me with stars in her eyes. "That was amazing! I can't believe you got first place, I'm jealous!" She said while jumping up and down.

I smile and rub the back of my head, "Yeah! I did win even with the  handicap! I wonder what the next challenge is gonna be?" I wondered.

I can see Iida pretty shaken by the fact that I took first place with a 3 minute pause, Boom Boom Boy is fuming as usual, muttering things about "stupid Deku" and "he got lucky". I sigh as I turn to Todoroki who looks slightly frustrated by this. From what I can tell, Ochako just barely got 2nd place with Todoroki in 3rd and Exploder Brains following behind. I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Midnight gets back on the mic.

"Congrats on finishing the obstacle course, students!" She yelled. "But now we will once again choose the next event!"

As Midnight said, the next event was being decided and the choice was finally made. "A Calvary Battle!"

She then proceeds to explain all the rules for this Calvary battle.

"For this event, you and your fellow students will team up in teams of 2-4, you will work together to get the points from other teams. However, if you lose points, you will have  the opportunity to get the points back before time runs out!" She explains as we nod in understanding. "The way the points will work is that each person from last to first will have a point value, for example, 42nd will have 5 points, 41st will have 10. So on and so forth. However," she began as a big evil smirk lands on her face. "First place will be allowed zero teammates, and his point value is..." She began as I widened my eyes at the earlier proclamation and others smirk.

"100 MILLION!!!!"

Silence. Nothing but silence as I stand there frozen. I can feel the evil gazes full of lust for power and victory trace my figure as I stand there in an invisible block of ice, too shocked to move. It feels like their eyes turned completely red, like there're completely possessed. I feel like I'm in a giant lion cage with a large piece of meat on my back, or like a piece of candy in front of kids after eating vegetables.

"It's survival of the fittest," Midnight began with that sadistic smirk plastered on her face. "Let's see how you handle this."

Everyone starts moving around trying to find teammates, while I just stand there still shocked.

I should be able to handle this, right? Yes I should! But I'm so restricted, and I'm supposed to make it a close match, how will I do that without getting my points taken? I wonder.

I take a deep breath and calm down,

I can do this! Remember the training, we want to be in control. I can win this, I just have to find a way to implement a strategy without my powers. I conclude in my head.

"Hey Deku!" I hear as I turn around to see Uraraka smiling at me. "I wanted to say, good luck!" She finished as she kissed me.

I smile at her and gain a look of determination on my face. "Thanks. Good luck to you as well, I won't go easy on you."

She smirks in response, "Right!"

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