Battle of Beliefs

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I open up the door to the locker room and I see Ochako cackling evilly which makes me sweat drop.

"You know, you didn't have to be so rough and scary." I say with a nervous chuckle.

She turns and smiles widely.

"Deku!" She yells.

She ran up to me and hugged me really hard and then kissed me deeply.

"Y-Yeah! It's me. You act like you haven't seen me for years." I said while chuckling and holding her.

"Yeah well I didn't, for 8 whole years if you didn't know." She said muffled because of her face in my chest.

"Well SORRY if I didn't follow you home! How was I supposed to know where you lived or where you went to school?" I asked with a slight frown.

"FIND a way to know." She nonchalantly replies.

My eyes widen suddenly, then a smirk finds its way onto my face.

"Wait," I begin as she shoots her head up knowing my tone. "Don't tell me you've been in love with me since that time I saved you?"

Her eyes go comically wide.

Ochako POV


I ran into my house and slammed the door shut and slide down and plop on the floor.

I can feel my cheeks burning.

'What am I doing?' I think to myself. 'I feel so happy, I don't know what to do with myself'

"Ochako, dear?" I hear my mom call out. "Are you back?"

"Y-Y-Yeah!" I shout back.

"Did something happen?" She asks as she walks up with to me and sees me blushing furiously.

She smirks devilishly as she motions for me to follow her. I get up and follow her to the living room.

"Sooo," she began with a giddy tone. "Who is he?"

I immediately turn red.

'What do I say? I've never felt this way before! Even about Mochi!'

"I-I- W-What?" I manage to get out.

She giggles and then points.

"You're blushing, and you're stuttering, and you had a goofy smile on your face. Sounds like love at first sight!" She recites happily.

My face turns crimson and I hide my face in my hands while simultaneously floating away. This causes my mother to go into a full on laughing fit as my dad enters the room.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Our little girl's in love!" She said giggly.

He narrows his eyes. "Who?"

"That's what I want to know as well." She explains.

I blush from the sudden shift in attention as I look down to hide my reddening cheeks.

"Well he's- ummm...." I nervously start as I take a deep breath and look up to them with a wide ear to ear grin. "He's Izuku Midoriya! AKA Deku! He was the coolest person ever! These guys were trying to hurt me, but he came out of nowhere and took them on by himself, while also protecting me. He had crazy green hair and he had the cutest eyes and face! He wanted to be a hero more than anything to bring smiles to people's faces! He was so strong and so cool and so cute! He was awesome! I'm gonna become a hero like him, so then I'll be able to help you and stand side by side with him for the rest of my life!" I shout with joy and pure bliss as I pump my fist into the air.

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