Two Months

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First Person POV

I woke up today with revolution on my mind. Changes needed to be made, and I was the one who was going to make them.

I did all of the necessary self-care: showering, brushing, moisturizing–today was an important day.

Today was the day of the meeting.

2 months ago everything went down, and it's been a long time coming, but it's here. Everything we've worked for- everything I've worked for.

It's all for the greater good.

I left my place to go to the meeting spot. I wondered who would be there- actually no, that's a lie, I knew who would be there, because I invited them myself.

I would track down and drag anyone who didn't show up.

I arrived and surprise surprise: they were all here.

"Took you long enough." That idiot hothead sassily remarked at me. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

"I called the meeting, why would I not show up." I rhetorically asked him with as much sarcasm as I could muster. "Next time think before you speak, I think your brain may be slightly melted."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY??" He yelled at me ready to burn me alive,

As if he could.

"Let's just relax, okay?" A female voice called out. "We don't need a fight on our hands, that's not why we're here, remember?

"Exactly," someone else chimed in, this time male. "There are so many better things I could be doing with my time."

"OH SHUT UP!" The hothead yelled at him. "YOU ALWAYS HAVE BEEN SO FULL OF YOURSELF!"

"At least I'm not full of lighter fluids instead ."

The hothead scowled before smirking, "Let's change that then."

"Enough." A more authoritative voice called out.

Both the hothead and the arrogant one looked at this new voice and scowled a little.

"Who made you the boss, huh??"

The arrogant one was also glaring before he stopped and sighed, "Whatever. I don't need to waste my time with this one anyway."

Hothead glared, but before he could say anything, I stepped in.

"He's right–enough." I said with a glare. "You know why we're here so don't make me repeat it."

The hotheaded idiot calmed down slightly and lowered his tone, as he focused on the topic at hand.

"It's been 2 months already, huh?"

There was a mutual understanding around the room as to what he meant, and I felt it the most.

"It felt like 2 years in actuality." One of the male voices responded.

It felt like 2 decades for me, but I didn't want to show any weakness- not anymore than I already have.

"It truly has, friend." The other female in the room agreed. "How are you feeling?" She knowingly asked while turning to me.

"Fine." I looked away and lied coldly.

"Hey," the arrogant one began as he fully turned towards me.

"You know he didn't do it, right Ochako?"


Ochako POV

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