Heading to Training Camp!

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Third Person POV

The next day, people were glaring at Deku when he walked into class with Ochako.

While they took in his earlier words, they were still quite upset with him embarrassing every single one of them.


Deku quite literally ignored all of them as he went to his desk and immediately slept; finding no reason to stay conscious. Ochako happily followed him and sat comfortably in his lap while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

The class sighed irritably as this familiar occurrence appeared again. Things were truly back to normal, at least for Deku.

The stinging pain that Deku inflicted not only physically, but mentally was still very much present. It was as if they were being mocked every time he showed up, having no apology ready or even a reason to apologize.

It appeared that Deku cared very little for anything except his girlfriend, or his hero status.

From a narrative standpoint, it might not seem that bad. However, to the class that basically means he either ignores, hates, or flat out does not give two flying craps about anything else. Including them.

Or in other words, they were irrelevant.

"Thinking so negatively about my Deku hurts me, ya know."

The class immediately focused on the pink cheeked girl in the lap of the aforementioned boy.

"What are you talking about, Ochako?" Mina asked her friend politely.

"Well," Ochako began. "I'm no expert, but the way your face is so obviously glaring at him, it seems like you're unhappy for some reason. Your emotions are spiking, and not in a good way."

"You can feel our emotions?" Kirishima asked incredulously.

"Well all you really had to do was, like, look at you," Ochako mumbled. "But yeah, on a much smaller scale though. It began shortly after the Sports Festival, although with everything that's happened I unintentionally ignored that fact."

"Oh no, we've got another him." Sero grumbled as he crossed his arm.

Ochako immediately rushed towards Sero in 2 seconds max with incredible speed. She gripped his collar and pulled him up from his seat to be face to face with her.

"Listen here, tape dispenser," Ochako started while tightening her grip on the now very frightened Sero. "Deku and I are not the same. His power and my power are two completely different things. I, nor you have any right to assume such powerful claims without any evidence to back it up. I would've thought you'd learn that during the exams. My power will never be the same as his, it was meant to be different. A new experience. At the very least, that's what he tried to show me during that test."

Ochako let him go and walked back to her spot on Deku's lap, leaving the entire class stunned. They were secretly debating whether to announce that Deku has done that exact same thing many times before, but intelligently decided not to say anything.

Ochako was very touchy on the subject of her power nowadays. Her power and role became clear to her during the final exams.

She originally thought that Deku wanted her to be like him, so that he could find a worthy opponent and partner in assuring peace. However, with how he completely destroyed her when she tried that at the festival, she learned it was not that.

He wanted her to be different.

He wanted her to find her own path to power. He knew that OFA simply wouldn't be enough, and with how dangerous OFA and it's secrets could be, he sought to find a different solution, as to counteract that. So he gave her the opportunity to gain power like him. He wanted to see what she could make of such power if it were ever given to her.

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