Approaching The End

682 31 60

Third Person POV




"Did you guys see all that?" Iida asked the group surrounding him.

They had all witnessed the battle- well- it feels incorrect to even call it that. They all saw the destruction that took place, as it was on national television. To say they were all shocked would be the mother of all understatements.

"Yeah." Bakugo replied, eyes wide open and not able to say anything else at the moment.

"Of course," Kirishima added, saddened by what he saw on TV.

"It was pretty hard to ignore," Todoroki concluded, noticeably conflicted after witnessing those events.

"Yeah," Ochako continued as her face scrunched up and she began to get angry, glaring at the screen.

"There was a pretty girl with Deku."

Everyone in the room fell to the ground in surprise, not believing their ears.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS." Bakugo shouted in his trademark angry face.

"That's what you took away from all that, Ochako?" Momo asked incredulously with a sweat drop.

"Yeah?" Ochako answered while grumbling. "What else was I supposed to take away?"

"Well," Todoroki answered. "There's the declaration of war, the pummeling of the two strongest people in the world, the murder of one of Japan's most dangerous villains, Midoriya's new white hair form, the reveal of his new team of mercenaries, his obviously increased power level, his monumental speech-"

"Okay- OKAY I get it," Ochako glared. "Yeah that sucks and all but that's not my focus."

"First of all, that form is not new. That's level 3 of his quirk, which I'm just now realizing you've technically never actually seen. That fact he's revealing it so casually, means he's probably finally got full mastery over it. His team also isn't really new- we already met one of them, remember?" Ochako explained as Todoroki nodded.


Everyone simultaneously sweatdropped at Ochako's concerns, incredulously pointing out her completely missing the point.

"This feels like if Hitler had fangirls." Kirishima whispered to Bakugo who covered his mouth while snickering.

He obviously snickered too loudly because Ochako immediately glared their way. Kirishima raised his hands in surrender and sweatdropped.

"Chillax Ochako," Kirishima nervously chuckled and started sweating as he felt the gravity around him slowly get heavier. "I'm just saying, the dude has basically established himself as the world's number one threat and you're worrying about things like the women he's around. That's the wrong thing to be worried about when he's this dangerous. It feels like you don't really view him as a villain yet-"

"Because he's not."

"He is."

"At the very least, he certainly isn't a hero." Kirishima continued with pure conviction as he faced Ochako. "You viewing him as such is only feeding into his delusions."

"Kirishima is right," Iida added. "Midoriya genuinely believes he's the hero in this story. And if you hear the story from him, you'd be inclined to believe it too."

"He might've taken a dive into the dark side, Ochako." Todoroki continued. "All for One may have lost that battle, but the damage may already be done. That trial probably awakened something in him. Something that should've never been awakened-"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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