Getting Back on Track!

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Ochako POV

I slowly opened my eyes and then immediately shut them as the influx of light made itself known. I had felt this kind of irritation in my eyes before.

I was in a hospital.

Why? I can't really remember.

It's all fuzzy, all I remember was Deku shirtless and shining like some sort of Greek god!

Although, that may have just been my imagination.

"What happened? I whispered as I began to sit up.

"Nothing much. Final exams; you faced me, I destroyed you, you're in a hospital: the usual."

I turned my head to the right and saw Deku sitting in a chair next to my bead with his arms crossed while softly smiling at me.

"I feel like you exaggerated most of that," I chuckle as I weakly raise my arms up and motion him towards me for a hug. "Either way, I'm glad to see you."

"It hasn't been that long since I handed you your butt on a silver platter," Deku remarked while hugging me. "I guess I'm just that awesome."

"Your sense of humor is oddly self-centered."

"Which is why it always works on you."

I blushed a little and giggled.

"Fair enough." I said as I tried to get up.

When I tried to get up, the craziest thing happened,

I ended up floating all the way up to the ceiling!

Maybe I should put that in better terms, the ceiling was like a magnet and I was a metallic item. Meaning, I was shot up like a rocket towards the ceiling and collided with it full force.

I was up there for a good three seconds with my face smashed in, before I comically lowered like a falling piece of paper to the floor with my limbs sprawled out.

Deku watched the entire thing without having the slightest reaction. It's as if he was expecting this! That slightly angered me, but I chose to ignore that and focus my attention on the pain shooting through my body.

"By the way," Deku began as I groaned in pain and tried to listen. "Releasing as much power as you did in the exams with little to no experience or training may or may not have repercussions."

"Which means there's a possibility you could lose control of your quirk."

I glared at him as he so blatantly stated the obvious. I know him well enough to know that he did that on purpose!

"Thanks for the warning," I grumble as I start to get up.

"What are boyfriends for?" He answered me enthusiastically while patting my head.

That idiot is enjoying this! I mentally fume.

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot?" Deku shouted with a comical angry look on his face.

"W-Wait, what?" I asked confusedly.

"I read your mind." He answered nonchalantly.

"Who said you could do that!?"

"Who said I couldn't?"

I growled at him and then he just grinned at me.

After a few seconds, I sighed and then I smiled, but that smile slowly turned into a laugh.

"I really did miss talking like this." I say as I smile softly.

"The exams were like an hour long."

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