The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka

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Let the games begin.....


Ochako POV

- 5 minutes before -

I'm currently stretching, trying to get ready for my match with my boyfriend. The girls walk up to me, I assume to try and motivate me.

"Do a great job out there, Ochako," Tsu says to me.

"Yeah, but be careful." Jiro warns me. "Midoriya is really strong, and there's not a lot known about him, besides his strength and speed which apparently isn't his actual quirk."

"Oh come on!" Mina exclaimed. "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about! Midori's your boyfriend right? I'm sure he wouldn't purposely hurt you." She finished with a confident nod of her head.

I chuckle and shake my head.

"Actually Mina," I began. "You couldn't be more wrong. Deku would gladly go all out on me out there."

Her eyes widen.

"B-But shouldn't he be concerned for your safety?" She asks in confusion and shock.

"Well if there's one thing about Deku that I know, it's that he doesn't like to lose. To anyone. That includes me. Besides, he knows that I'd be upset if he purposely held back and he probably wouldn't do that anyways, under the belief of me not deserving to be held back on."

They reluctantly nod, still a bit weary of me facing my freakishly strong boyfriend.

"Don't worry guys! I've been training specially for this chance! I'll show everyone the true results of my training. I won't lose easily, I'll do everything I can. He knows better than to underestimate me, after all he helped train me himself." I told them.

"Okay well, good luck!" Toru chanted before I had to go for my match.

"Thanks you guys!" I told them with a bright smile.

As I'm walking towards the arena, I have a focused expression on my face.

Deku.... I thought.

This is gonna be my toughest challenge yet. There's no way I'll be able to win easily, I need to use every move in my arsenal to be able to stand a chance. Even......... that if I have to.

Present Mic is hyping us up from his spot as a commentator as me and Deku slowly make our way towards the ring. Focus shown clearly on our faces.

After Present Mic's shout out to both of us, Midnight gets ready to start the match.

"Now! Time for the final match! Are our two finalists ready?" She asks.

"I'm ready." I answer.

"I'm always ready." Deku answered.

She nods at this.

"Now! Without further ado! Let the final match.... BEGIN!!" She finishes.

Deku POV

I watch Ochako very closely to see what she's about to do, but she stands there, staring right back at me.

"I've been waiting for this, ya know." She finally speaks up.

I can't help but grin in excitement.

"I'd be offended if you weren't." I replied to which Ochako chuckled at. "Show me what you're made of!"

She grins back as she rolls up her arm and leg sleeves to reveal weights.

"There's no point in using these anymore." She said as she deactivated them and tossed them outside of the ring.

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